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Irish Presidential Bet

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John m:
Bertie Ahern @12/1 with Paddy Power to be next President .Explained ?to be president you must get 50% plus 1 vote of all votes cast .SF could get 30% but where can they get the other 20% not from FG who hate them not from the Left as they will already have that vote in their 30% so in reality SF Cannot win .

FG worse problem than SF as they will only get about 20% of the Vote SF voters will not transfer to them plus Mc Guinness is the preferred FG candidate at the Moment .If Leo is gone and I think he will be fucked out after the local elections and Harris id the Leader then Francis Fitzgerald could be the FG candidate both unelectable cannot get to 50% .

Labour votes will be gobbled up by SF so they cannot realistically expect to get a President elected .

It is unlikely that any Independent will get enough County Councils to give them the Nomination .

So Bertie .FF have nobody else who can appeal to the whole country Probably Barry Andrews but nobody else .FF will get about 20% of the vote .SF would transfer to Gerry Adams old mate Bertie Aherne Adams will sort of tell them Bertie can be trusted .FG will also transfer to Berty to stop SF getting the Gig .Could also be other election issues at play .If SF support Bertie it might encourage FF to go into Coalition with them after the General election as a united group of Republican Parties .If Bertie gets the FF Nomination he will be favourite about 5/4 to get the gig .

Bertie @ 12/1 will be my next long term bet .

His past will come to haunt him. Things like spousal abuse allegations, no bank account, no accountancy qualifications, rat in the anorak and a fortune on make up.
You couldn't make him up.
He's our Berlusconi.

Ahern defends €480 weekly make-up bill
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today defended the cost of make-up to prepare himself for the Dáil's TV cameras.
Wed May 24 2006 - 01:00

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today defended the cost of make-up to prepare himself for the Dáil's TV cameras.

Green Party TD John Gormley who claimed that Mr Ahern was spending €480 a week on his personal vanity, accused him of decadence and dubbed him the 'Queen of Drumcondra.'

Mr Ahern said that it had been the practice of all taoisigh to wear make-up since the televising of Dail proceedings began in 1990. "I make the normal preparations that are standard for all those who participate in television programmes," he said.

He added that the pay for the make-up staff was in line with Siptu rates.


But Mr Gormley said: "Taoiseach, how do you expect the taxpayer, many of whom are lying on trolleys, to pay this exorbitant sum for your vanity?

"It's extraordinary that you spend more money on make-up than any of the ladies in the Cabinet. What sort of priorities do you have when you're heading around like the Queen of Drumcondra.

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"On the 80th anniversary of the founding of Fianna Fáil, what would your founder Eamon de Valera say about a Taoiseach who spends hundreds of euro every week on make-up?"

He asked if Mr Ahern should be called the L'Oreal Taoiseach "because he is worth it".

But Mr Ahern replied: "When Deputy Gormley is Taoiseach some day he will find in the Taoiseach's department that there is a service provide by two people, two days a week.

"They're paid the Siptu rates for the job. I don't think that they should be fired to satisfy you."

He added: "I understand that when you go to RTÉ, that you carefully go to the make-up room. You have never been known not to use make-up."

Mr Gormley then asked if it was too much trouble to apply the make-up himself.

"The sum of €480 a week is extraordinary when we have people on trolleys. It amounts to nothing more than decadence," the Dublin South East TD added.

He still looked like a potato.

John m:
Dont think it will matter Silver .Its been out there years nobody gives a fuck .."Ah Jasus when I was Teashock yis had gaffs and low interest rates and I brung peace and jobs to the Country "Its a Political appointment who else is there ?Enda? Leo? Eamo the Younger or Eamo the Cabbage .Gay Byrnes Ghost .There really isint a lot of choice .

Shallow Hal:
Short memories in this country....Bertie be a shoo in.


--- Quote from: John m on June 22, 2023, 05:23:38 pm ---Dont think it will matter Silver .Its been out there years nobody gives a fuck .."Ah Jasus when I was Teashock yis had gaffs and low interest rates and I brung peace and jobs to the Country "Its a Political appointment who else is there ?Enda? Leo? Eamo the Younger or Eamo the Cabbage .Gay Byrnes Ghost .There really isint a lot of choice .

--- End quote ---
Who was it said of Mary Robinson "If you want to shut a woman up in Ireland, make her President"?

I predict another woman.


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