Author Topic: Best way to handle illegal taxi?  (Read 8340 times)

john m

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Re: Best way to handle illegal taxi?
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2018, 12:48:21 pm »
Dear Minister
             Ya wont fucking believe me .but what in going to tell ya is fuckin truean all.fellets are pikin up people in the own cars and vans and brining dem to the airport and gettin paid .dis should be taxi drivers work anall.

Reargards .
 Anto Driver .

Dear Mr Driver
                The Minister has asked me to respond to your most articulate correspondence with reguard to a quasi illegal non conforming for profit transport system.The Minister has advised that all for profit transport providers must be licenced .

  Having held a meeting in his department office with Algernon Snape his Chief Advisor and Giddion Uttertwait Jr his second personal assistant and some senior Civil Servants from the Department of Transport  .He has asked me to convey his thoughts on the matter to you .

  Since the moritorium on issuing taxi licences has been introduced .Taxi drivers and their representatives have brought this issue on a regular basis to both the Minister and the Taxithingeys attention  .The Minister accepts that unlicenced transport provision for Profit is illegal and as such hw will use his powers as Minister to Stamp it out .Having read carefully a submission fromIrelands Largest taxi dispatcher where they point out that they are unable tofull fill all requests for taxies at strategic times and especially in high density Tourist areas which deeply concerns the Minister as Tourism is also his brief .The Minister has asked the Dep Of Transport to write a report in which they are to set out if the Saloon Plate moritorium has had the desired effect of increasing the Wheelchair Accessible fleet and is it time toremove the moritorium as the issuing of new licences would allow those who are at present providing unlicenced services to regularise theit offering and also provide more taxies for Tourist .

 The Minister would like to thank you for bringing this most interesting issue to his attention and he hopes his proposed solution will set your mind at rest that he is dealing with your concerns .

Respectfully  Yours.

Minister for you put your hand out to be slapped and I will slap it .
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 12:52:06 pm by john m »

Offline markmiwurdz

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Re: Best way to handle illegal taxi?
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2018, 01:54:28 pm »
I should have been clearer, I am talking about people who don't have a spsv licence but use their private car to drive people from A to B for financial reward.

How do they get their work ?

Facebook and similar.

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Best way to handle illegal taxi?
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2018, 09:37:19 pm »
If the smart drivers have left there's a hell of a lot of idiots out there. Dublin is awash with mytaxi ambassadors never mind the rest of us...


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