Author Topic: Budget 2021  (Read 63082 times)

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #330 on: October 18, 2020, 01:24:28 pm »
I remember what it was like during the last depression,i only worked Thurs,Fri and Sat back then...this time is a completely different monster....people still have money cos a lot are still in full employment working from home but nowhere to go and spend it which in itself creates a recession which all of those in the gig economy are(us) are at the bottom of the missus is in the logistics biz and while it quietened down a bit it's starting to crank up again...i also saw in another article that DPD are looking to recruit 700 additional staff.

Offline Jonno

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #331 on: October 18, 2020, 04:12:48 pm »
I remember what it was like during the last depression,i only worked Thurs,Fri and Sat back then...this time is a completely different monster....people still have money cos a lot are still in full employment working from home but nowhere to go and spend it which in itself creates a recession which all of those in the gig economy are(us) are at the bottom of the missus is in the logistics biz and while it quietened down a bit it's starting to crank up again...i also saw in another article that DPD are looking to recruit 700 additional staff.
Fungi is missing and all that you people want to talk about is the impending financial hardship and associated mental issues. Tut. Tut.

Sent from my T770H using Tapatalk

Offline markmiwurdz

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #332 on: October 18, 2020, 05:14:42 pm »


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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #333 on: October 18, 2020, 05:15:52 pm »
Fungi is not missing,he is just self isolating

john m

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #334 on: October 18, 2020, 06:17:06 pm »
My shed

Offline markmiwurdz

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #335 on: October 18, 2020, 07:07:51 pm »
Not enough booze..

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #336 on: October 18, 2020, 07:11:58 pm »
Not enough booze..

....for a man that supplies casual labour!!


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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #337 on: October 18, 2020, 07:26:33 pm »
My shed
is that what you mean when you said get a gun ?

Offline Belker

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #338 on: October 19, 2020, 10:58:17 am »

Your maths is wrong the population of Dublin isint 4 Million .......
My math is not wrong, after a bit of googling the population of Dublin city is about 1,250,000.
The population of Cork city is about 190,000, that puts Dublin at about 6.5 times our population.

As fer licensed taxies ye have about 11,000 while we have about 1,800 which is again about
 6.5 times more in Dublin than down here.

So on a pro-rata scale ye have about the same amount of taxies per person as Cork.

And by the way every pub, club and restaurant in Cork were also closed too fer many months,
as was every live or sporting event, it was a ghost town down here too fer many months.

john m

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #339 on: October 19, 2020, 11:03:47 am »

Your maths is wrong the population of Dublin isint 4 Million .......
My math is not wrong, after a bit of googling the population of Dublin city is about 1,250,000.
The population of Cork city is about 190,000, that puts Dublin at about 6.5 times our population.

As fer licensed taxies ye have about 11,000 while we have about 1,800 which is again about
 6.5 times more in Dublin than down here.

So on a pro-rata scale ye have about the same amount of taxies per person as Cork.

And by the way every pub, club and restaurant in Cork were also closed too fer many months,
as was every live or sporting event, it was a ghost town down here too fer many months.

Dont be messing around with the figures to make your false case ..the population of Cork for which you own a licence is ..At the last census in 2016, Cork city stood at 125,657. The population of the entire county is 542,868 making it the state's second-most populous county and the third-most populous county on the island of Ireland.My figures are more accurate even though I underestimated the population by about 150,000.

Offline Belker

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #340 on: October 19, 2020, 11:37:07 am »

Your maths is wrong the population of Dublin isint 4 Million .......
My math is not wrong, after a bit of googling the population of Dublin city is about 1,250,000.
The population of Cork city is about 190,000, that puts Dublin at about 6.5 times our population.

As fer licensed taxies ye have about 11,000 while we have about 1,800 which is again about
 6.5 times more in Dublin than down here.

So on a pro-rata scale ye have about the same amount of taxies per person as Cork.

And by the way every pub, club and restaurant in Cork were also closed too fer many months,
as was every live or sporting event, it was a ghost town down here too fer many months.

Dont be messing around with the figures to make your false case ..the population of Cork for which you own a licence is ..At the last census in 2016, Cork city stood at 125,657. The population of the entire county is 542,868 making it the state's second-most populous county and the third-most populous county on the island of Ireland.My figures are more accurate even though I underestimated the population by about 150,000.
Your figures are wrong, have a google off Cork city population 2020, it's at 190K.
Cork county does not count as I don't work there.

john m

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #341 on: October 19, 2020, 12:12:47 pm »

Your maths is wrong the population of Dublin isint 4 Million .......
My math is not wrong, after a bit of googling the population of Dublin city is about 1,250,000.
The population of Cork city is about 190,000, that puts Dublin at about 6.5 times our population.

As fer licensed taxies ye have about 11,000 while we have about 1,800 which is again about
 6.5 times more in Dublin than down here.

So on a pro-rata scale ye have about the same amount of taxies per person as Cork.

And by the way every pub, club and restaurant in Cork were also closed too fer many months,
as was every live or sporting event, it was a ghost town down here too fer many months.

Dont be messing around with the figures to make your false case ..the population of Cork for which you own a licence is ..At the last census in 2016, Cork city stood at 125,657. The population of the entire county is 542,868 making it the state's second-most populous county and the third-most populous county on the island of Ireland.My figures are more accurate even though I underestimated the population by about 150,000.
Your figures are wrong, have a google off Cork city population 2020, it's at 190K.
Cork county does not count as I don't work there.

Not my problem where you work or dont work My figures for ratio of drivers to available customers is closer than yours ..

Offline Belker

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #342 on: October 19, 2020, 12:24:33 pm »

Your maths is wrong the population of Dublin isint 4 Million .......
My math is not wrong, after a bit of googling the population of Dublin city is about 1,250,000.
The population of Cork city is about 190,000, that puts Dublin at about 6.5 times our population.

As fer licensed taxies ye have about 11,000 while we have about 1,800 which is again about
 6.5 times more in Dublin than down here.

So on a pro-rata scale ye have about the same amount of taxies per person as Cork.

And by the way every pub, club and restaurant in Cork were also closed too fer many months,
as was every live or sporting event, it was a ghost town down here too fer many months.

Dont be messing around with the figures to make your false case ..the population of Cork for which you own a licence is ..At the last census in 2016, Cork city stood at 125,657. The population of the entire county is 542,868 making it the state's second-most populous county and the third-most populous county on the island of Ireland.My figures are more accurate even though I underestimated the population by about 150,000.
Your figures are wrong, have a google off Cork city population 2020, it's at 190K.
Cork county does not count as I don't work there.

Not my problem where you work or dont work My figures for ratio of drivers to available customers is closer than yours ..
Grand, so let you be the Winner !!

john m

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #343 on: October 19, 2020, 12:34:28 pm »
Weighed in winner all right ! Any way Ken its going to get worse before it gets better .

Offline Taxi driver42

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Re: Budget 2021
« Reply #344 on: October 19, 2020, 02:06:48 pm »
Cork city is nowhere near 400 k john 
Think Ken's the winner and as for Dublin we are fuckd again this week


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