Author Topic: Sneaky cunt bet  (Read 8664 times)

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2022, 12:43:00 pm »
Silver one for you ..Lizz Truss said she sacked Quasi Quatang because there was a Black Hole in the Treasury ..First class understanding of Economics . rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #61 on: October 15, 2022, 11:24:34 am »
Is Cynide Tits just going to say Fuck you all .Her career is over .She has one last sting .She and She alone has the Power to call a General election .What are the Chances she sticks the boot in first before they kick her out ...

It was 90/1 .She killed off her best mates career so why not everybody elses ?
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2022, 01:21:32 pm »
Still a bit of 16/1 a General Election in the UK .Any chance they have a New Budget on 31st of October then call a General election straight away and that budget becomes the Agenda .Has to be worth a tenner .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2022, 07:13:55 pm »
Silver one for you ..Lizz Truss said she sacked Quasi Quatang because there was a Black Hole in the Treasury ..First class understanding of Economics . rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
How about Trussterfuck? 8)

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2022, 11:50:47 am »
Reading this mornings newspapers .She is a Dead thing that is dead .But so are the Conservatives .They cannot agree on a a replacement Richi is not Protestant and White so he is AOTW .{arse out the window } Boros had it lost it AOTW .Nobody wants to Captain the Sinking Ship .Its a shiney pile of Stinking Shite .If you were playing Poker you would dump the hand . Still going to bet they bring in a Budget ,Cut Dole and other welfare and military spending and overseas aid .That budget will fail as more than 30 Conservatives will vote with the Opposition .Then they will call a General election for First or second week in December and elect a new Tory leader after the General election which they are certain to lose .Let Labour make all the Cuts and take the blame for crashing the Economy and getting the Football Team beaten and if it Snows in winter blame Labour .Thats how it works in Britain the Government are responsible for everything that goes wrong .16/1 with betfair exchange only 10/1 with Paddy General election in GB this year .If this was a boxing match the Ref would stop it Now its up to the Cornermen to save their fighters .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2022, 12:24:25 pm »
I don't agree with your assessment John M, whomever wins the PM seat will have won a long fought battle to get it.
Why then would they call a general election with a 50/50 chance of losing ??

Because the Winner of the PM job is actually the Loser .If you think Norrn Iron is divided the Conservative party is worse .It has two parts the Conservatives and what Mosley would of created if he was Successful .There is a Facist Nazi element in the Conservatives .Hard Line Brexiteers who are Anti Foreigner who do not Realize their Hero Winston Churchill fucked up .After WW2 Britain was Broke and Broken they needed men to work to rebuild industry and infrastructure Millions of British Men dead or injured could not work so Winny invited Colonials to come and work thinking they would come earn and Fuck off Home .But imagine if you came from Africa or Asia and you could turn a tap and get Fresh drinking water or turn the one beside it and get hot water and a job and wages and share a room with four or eight others and not have to sleep out in the open under the stars .Then Britain noticed that a lot of these immigrant workers were sending for their families to come and Join them so they wrote a law to restrict this but gave a 6 month lead in time and saw inward migration from the colonies go up ten fold .This was the early 60s only 15 years after the end of the War .In the Mid 60s Britain was swamped by Foreigners Enoch Powell made his rivers of Blood Speech .Nothing in Britain has Changed .Powel was a Lone voice in the 60s but not Now .There are HARD LINE Brexiteers a lot of them Immigrant decedents who do not want any more immigrants blame Europe for Churchills Mistake .I think the run off will be between Sunak and Truss unless they have already decided the winner and vote one of them off and put in a stumer for the face off between party voters .Whoever wins only represents one side of the party and the other side will stick the boot in ask Tessy May about that .If the Winner of the Job wants to rule the Country they will need a mandate from the people not from the losing side in the contest .Its not like Ireland where you have tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer .If you look at this selection process as a fight the winner will need to go to hospital to repair the damage done during the contest .Wait and watch .Rumours of Fucking Dogs or small boys snorting Coke fingering teenagers ripping off tax .This is going to be a destructive fight to the end .If they choose Truss or Patel Ulster will say No for another generation .Most people in Ireland dont realize the Indian we want leading the Country is the one in Britain not our fucking Traitor .Outcome of the British election will determin our future .Watch Covney and Mick From Cork telling us that the New British PM will reset the Protocol .They will in my bollox if its Truss or Patel .Like I said Ken the winner of the Contest wins the right to be leader of the Conservatives that is what they are selection .But he or She will need their own mandate to lead Great Britain and Northren Ireland on behalf of Queen Elizabeth 11s Government .

Did I get this right .Except for the last bit its now Chuckie the turd on the Throne
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline Belker

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #66 on: October 18, 2022, 11:36:27 pm »
Reading this mornings newspapers .She is a Dead thing that is dead .But so are the Conservatives .They cannot agree on a a replacement Richi is not Protestant and White so he is AOTW .{arse out the window } Boros had it lost it AOTW .Nobody wants to Captain the Sinking Ship .Its a shiney pile of Stinking Shite .If you were playing Poker you would dump the hand . Still going to bet they bring in a Budget ,Cut Dole and other welfare and military spending and overseas aid .That budget will fail as more than 30 Conservatives will vote with the Opposition .Then they will call a General election for First or second week in December and elect a new Tory leader after the General election which they are certain to lose .Let Labour make all the Cuts and take the blame for crashing the Economy and getting the Football Team beaten and if it Snows in winter blame Labour .Thats how it works in Britain the Government are responsible for everything that goes wrong .16/1 with betfair exchange only 10/1 with Paddy General election in GB this year .If this was a boxing match the Ref would stop it Now its up to the Cornermen to save their fighters .
You said the same about an Irish 2022 general election a few months back, and that didn't work out too well !

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #67 on: October 19, 2022, 07:00:45 am »
Ken look at the Brits they objected to increases in PAYE we have PRIS @about 9% plus social Charge @4% and a youth levy @1% .VAT @23% a proposed mandatory Pension Scheme .Thats one of the highest rates of Deductions from wages in the World .In return for this money we have No Social house  building but we have a Bike Lane building Policy .We have no Policy to Build any Gas Storage facilities but we have Policies on Building Greenways and Pedestrian Plazas .WE were told by Ciaran Cuffe of the Greens and Eamo the Onion that the EU Windfall tax on energy suppliers would mean we would get 5 billion in readies when in fact the real figure will be nothing as there is no EU windfall tax on energy suppliers at all only permission from the EU that allows individual countries to impose one .Like FG would or could tax any company more than they said they would Thats bad for business .We never windfalled the makers of Covid Vaccines on their excess profits .

In the Budget the Poor Dole or Pensioners got 12 Euro a week extra but Students who after the qualify will fuck off to Dubai,Australia or America to work got a Grand rebate =20 euro a week another 500 tax break on rent for their party gaff that brings it up to 30 sovs a week Susi Grants equal to about 55 Euro a week or 35 a week over the fiscal year .plus reduced student transport costs worth at least another 20 a week .So we give the average student 85 sovs a week in subsidies and they never done a tap but pensioners who worked all their lives get 12 euro .

Now if somebody wants to sell THEIR House or appartment they cant if they have it rented .Its their Property they can do what they like with it ?This Government have stolen from your pension fund they are stealing your gaff to provide housing they failed to provide .They are depending on about 10 companies for the majority of out tax take and half of those companies have seen their share price crash as they are not making huge profits anymore most will buy back their own shares with this or next years earnings so no tax to be paid as no paper profits .If FG /FF /The Suicide Party stay in Government for just one more budget and a Stick a Dickto me Referendum .I promise you none of your kids will ever own a House unless their left one and I will see you in Dublin when you bring your young lad up for the Plane as he leaves for good .Kenneth the house is on fire and this Government are choosing the Curtins for the Back Bedroom .Kenneth a lot of people look but they dont see .Facebook have halted the developement of the old Sweepstakes building in Dublin they no longer plan to need all the office space .The most valuable site in Dublin on the Quays and Tara street has a new Developer .Ken this is a Walter Mitty Government living a lie its a bit like last years easter egg the wrapping looks great but the chocolate is rotting .In any other Democracy politicians would look and say this Programme for Government is failing and have the honesty to deal with it but only one thing counts Getting the Backpassage back into Power so he can bring a referendum on creating a third gender .And we will be told how great we are accepting things that God never created just like we wrre the first to legislate for same sex marrage .Leo dosent give a simple fuck about anybody only himself and his legacy .Like Young Enoch needs his Mothers approval Leo needs to show his Indian Father absolutely no respect to prove he is his own man and the Irish people are his playthings .Leo is the most dangerous Politician ever to get a vote in Ireland .He is possibly a Sociopath .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2022, 02:15:18 pm »
Reading this mornings newspapers .She is a Dead thing that is dead .But so are the Conservatives .They cannot agree on a a replacement Richi is not Protestant and White so he is AOTW .{arse out the window } Boros had it lost it AOTW .Nobody wants to Captain the Sinking Ship .Its a shiney pile of Stinking Shite .If you were playing Poker you would dump the hand . Still going to bet they bring in a Budget ,Cut Dole and other welfare and military spending and overseas aid .That budget will fail as more than 30 Conservatives will vote with the Opposition .Then they will call a General election for First or second week in December and elect a new Tory leader after the General election which they are certain to lose .Let Labour make all the Cuts and take the blame for crashing the Economy and getting the Football Team beaten and if it Snows in winter blame Labour .Thats how it works in Britain the Government are responsible for everything that goes wrong .16/1 with betfair exchange only 10/1 with Paddy General election in GB this year .If this was a boxing match the Ref would stop it Now its up to the Cornermen to save their fighters .
You said the same about an Irish 2022 general election a few months back, and that didn't work out too well !
The same was said about September storms.

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #69 on: October 19, 2022, 03:57:56 pm »
Reading this mornings newspapers .She is a Dead thing that is dead .But so are the Conservatives .They cannot agree on a a replacement Richi is not Protestant and White so he is AOTW .{arse out the window } Boros had it lost it AOTW .Nobody wants to Captain the Sinking Ship .Its a shiney pile of Stinking Shite .If you were playing Poker you would dump the hand . Still going to bet they bring in a Budget ,Cut Dole and other welfare and military spending and overseas aid .That budget will fail as more than 30 Conservatives will vote with the Opposition .Then they will call a General election for First or second week in December and elect a new Tory leader after the General election which they are certain to lose .Let Labour make all the Cuts and take the blame for crashing the Economy and getting the Football Team beaten and if it Snows in winter blame Labour .Thats how it works in Britain the Government are responsible for everything that goes wrong .16/1 with betfair exchange only 10/1 with Paddy General election in GB this year .If this was a boxing match the Ref would stop it Now its up to the Cornermen to save their fighters .
You said the same about an Irish 2022 general election a few months back, and that didn't work out too well !
The same was said about September storms.

Dont gloat just yet Government only needs to give 14 days notice of a General election .One smart arse remark from Leo and it could be game on .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #70 on: October 19, 2022, 04:35:16 pm »
Back to the Sneaky Cunt Bet Could it all end today for Lizzy .Labour put down a motion to ban Fracking .Conservatives say if they lose the vote Lizzy must go or go visit Chuck the Turd .Earlier she guarenteed a thing they call the Triple lock on pensions this means pensioners getting a raise in line with Inflation Fiscally conservative conservatives and Environmentally Conservative Conservatives could vote against her only takes 37 but its a three line whip which means you dont vote if you abstain you get fucked out of the Party you lose the Whip .Most Conservatives would be thinking we are out of power for the next 3 elections so why give pensioners more money they will be dead before we will need their votes .16/1 /Betfair exchange .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #72 on: October 20, 2022, 08:13:36 am »
Reading this mornings newspapers .She is a Dead thing that is dead .But so are the Conservatives .They cannot agree on a a replacement Richi is not Protestant and White so he is AOTW .{arse out the window } Boros had it lost it AOTW .Nobody wants to Captain the Sinking Ship .Its a shiney pile of Stinking Shite .If you were playing Poker you would dump the hand . Still going to bet they bring in a Budget ,Cut Dole and other welfare and military spending and overseas aid .That budget will fail as more than 30 Conservatives will vote with the Opposition .Then they will call a General election for First or second week in December and elect a new Tory leader after the General election which they are certain to lose .Let Labour make all the Cuts and take the blame for crashing the Economy and getting the Football Team beaten and if it Snows in winter blame Labour .Thats how it works in Britain the Government are responsible for everything that goes wrong .16/1 with betfair exchange only 10/1 with Paddy General election in GB this year .If this was a boxing match the Ref would stop it Now its up to the Cornermen to save their fighters .
You said the same about an Irish 2022 general election a few months back, and that didn't work out too well !

UMHHH I did point out two issues the two Greens and Marc Mc Sharry they could vote against Leo becoming Taoiseach .Mc Sharry tried to rejoin FF and was told Hold the Fuck on Lad ..... Not a foregone conclusion that Leo gets the Big Mirror in the Taoiseachs Office to see his reflection .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline John m

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #73 on: October 20, 2022, 01:51:08 pm »
LIZZIE ON THE DOLE .I even managed to keep a job that long .
"War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other."

Offline Belker

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Re: Sneaky cunt bet
« Reply #74 on: October 21, 2022, 07:08:37 am »
Strange world ! They spent months getting rid of Boris, and now he is 2nd fav to be re-elected ??

There has to be some value somewhere in one of the outsiders in the betting,
the top 3 in the betting have all recently failed in either govt or at the PM polls.
Kemi @ 170. or Suella @ 400. have to be worth a Tenner and a Fiver each ??
« Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 07:14:41 am by Belker »


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