Author Topic: Brexit  (Read 141629 times)

Offline SClass

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #270 on: August 22, 2018, 12:31:16 pm »
John Stuart Mill, an ardent defender of freedom of the press, wrote in his 1859 tract On Liberty: “There is the greatest difference between presuming an opinion to be true, because, with every opportunity for contesting it, it has not been refuted, and assuming its truth for the purpose of not permitting its refutation.” Opinions, for Mill, must be tested by opposing arguments, otherwise they become little better than dead dogmas that may be adhered to zealously yet with little rational warrant.

Mill’s argument, if valid, entails the need not only for a free and independent press but also for an ideologically diverse press. From a Millean perspective, a national media that speaks on a host of controversial issues with one voice, no matter how much freedom it enjoys, is likely to perpetuate unthinking dogmatism and superficial, unreflective discourse; a uniform media has little incentive to put its own dogmatic commitments to the test or to take seriously opposing arguments.

Indeed, in a climate of ideological convergence, many journalists can afford to make lazy, ill-thought-out arguments, since they know they are unlikely to be challenged by their colleagues as long as they do not stray too far from the ideological fold. In short, they can expect most days to be given a free pass, so long as they remain “on side”.

Lazy liberalism
This is exactly what has happened in Ireland, now home to a sort of “lazy liberalism,” in which journalists view their ideological adversaries as soft targets. who can be taken down with shallow and emotionally charged arguments. It is also a place in which some form of “progressive” creed, or whatever passes as “progressive” these days, can be defended in a dogmatic and self-righteous tone that one would normally associate with an old-fashioned religious pulpit.

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Ireland’s print, radio and television media, instead of offering a vibrant forum of national debate, have become an echo chamber of a certain segment of Irish opinion. Namely a hodgepodge of “progressive” or “liberal” positions on hot-button issues and a thinly veiled if not outright hostility toward traditional Catholicism. With a few rare exceptions, whatever television or radio station you tune into, whatever newspaper you pick up in this country, you are met with a deafening consensus on a host of social and moral questions, from abortion and same-sex marriage to education, transgender ideology, and the value of religion.

An ideologically uniform media erects a public sphere that is dismissive toward the views of a large contingent of voters
A sizeable portion of Irish people continue to believe in traditional values that have been cherished by Christians since ancient times: heterosexual marriage, the equal dignity of all human life, and the value of religious education. Yet Irish journalists frequently treat traditional Christian values and practices as benighted, tend to view religiously informed curricula with suspicion, enthusiastically support same-sex marriage, and overwhelmingly view the legalisation of abortion as a form of social progress.

Now, there is obviously nothing intrinsically wrong with an individual journalist or media organ expressing their opinions or promoting their values. However, there is something deeply troubling about a media culture that, with very few exceptions, represents a limited segment of liberal opinion, in a country that is in fact ideologically, morally and culturally divided on many important issues.

Most journalists are oblivious to this problem, since they probably view ideological convergence as a sign of collective enlightenment. But experience and common sense suggest that an ideologically uniform media fatally undermines the quality of public debate. Firstly it confers cheap authority on contestable opinions by giving the impression that they are immune to serious challenge. Second, it gives journalists a licence to attack and denounce their ideological adversaries with reckless abandon, since they know they will not be held to account by most of their media colleagues. Third, the self-congratulatory and uncritical character of much media debate promotes ideological intolerance and groupthink in homes and workplaces across the nation.

Last but not least, an ideologically uniform media erects a public sphere that is dismissive toward the views of a large contingent of voters, raising serious concerns about the inclusiveness of Irish democracy. Unless one believes that the 33 per cent of voters who opposed abortion up to 12 weeks, or the 38 per cent who opposed same-sex marriage, should be stripped of their citizenship, the media’s failure to fairly represent their views should raise alarm bells for any friend of democracy.

A media that moves in ideological lockstep is something we should all be worried about. We all have a stake in the development of an intelligent, thoughtful, informed and engaged citizenry, and in a class of journalists that is intellectually alert and self-critical, and held to account on a regular basis for what they write.

It is incumbent upon dissenters from the current liberal orthodoxy to develop credible alternatives sources of news and commentary, whether in mainstream or social media outlets. Apart from advancing their own political and social causes, they would be revitalising Ireland’s media and doing a tremendous service to Irish democracy.

SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE OF READING ALL THAT >IT SAYS BEWARE OF GROUPTHINK .TIMMY,DOLLY AND S are making their case others make a different case but in the end debate is good .

Must say I was very jealous of your IQ
But that was yesterday.

john m

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #271 on: August 22, 2018, 12:33:23 pm »
£ will collapse after  Brexit .If it hits Parity Ill buy a motor on the Mainland .Reading between the Brexit lines it seems the Gay Foreigner is being asked to soften his cough when it comes to a hard border .The French dont like the fact that their ports will be affected by any hard borders .Leo is keeping a low profile no pictures of him and her running around in hot pants and vests .With FF help they will deliver a cunt of a budget knowing that it will pass the finance bill .Profit from the People and Sinn Fein will be on the Streets screaming that the workers are getting fleeced and nobody will be watching the slight of hand on the border issue .Expect better deals in Ulster/Ireland as WTO tarriffs may apply to the sale of British goods in the EU .BUT dont be surprised if our government find some new tax to prevent importing just like they came up with VRT and Duty Free Limits .

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #272 on: August 22, 2018, 12:41:36 pm »
They'll hardly be looking to tax a working man on a dart board, erm.... and, sure how would they know where a man bought a jacket he's wearing?

john m

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #273 on: August 22, 2018, 12:49:52 pm »
They'll hardly be looking to tax a working man on a dart board, erm.... and, sure how would they know where a man bought a jacket he's wearing?

When they do away with folding money and you only have a plastic card Rodent .You drop a bundle out of state Big brother sends you an Inquiry note .Big Dommos Sister Lives in Marbella had her Non Con Old age pension, stopped as she was not living in the state .She claimed from her Gaff here in Ireland Dommos second eldest is living in the house with his bird and his two kids and her other kid .She went in to Tara Street to rip them a new one and they produced her boarding passes .They said you are only entitled to claim certain benifits for a maximum of 3 weeks if you are not ordinarily resident .
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 12:56:25 pm by john m »

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #274 on: August 22, 2018, 12:58:34 pm »
Do you reckon they'll abolish legal tender throughout Europe or just in ROI to facilitate Brexit?

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexit
« Reply #275 on: August 22, 2018, 01:28:04 pm »
Dympna Fairchild...Menorca....gee-bags everywhere....hen nights...her running the cards.....

john m

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #276 on: August 22, 2018, 01:29:11 pm »
Do you reckon they'll abolish legal tender throughout Europe or just in ROI to facilitate Brexit?

Legal tender will be a thing of the past Rodent in our lifetime About 30 years ago a mate of mine became Born Again .His missus thought the meetings he was going to were a cover up for him doing another bird so she asked me to go with him .We went to a gaff in Balgaddy and there were a few unemployable Christian types worn out jeans and oversized jumpers smoking roll up and fingering the Bible .The buzz was if the meeting was held in your gaff you got to choose the bit of the book you wanted to discuss .So the piece was the Book of Numbers now remember 30 years ago we had no Credit Cards no Mobile Phones when you went to deal with government you gave your name DOB and mothers maiden name not your PPSI No .Anyhow The lad reads the bit of book and then they discuss .The theme was this .In the beginning was the Word and the word was God .Now this was interpreted by the brethren as meaning truth must always be spoken but the Number of the beast was 666 this was interpreted as meaning the Devil Satin Belseebob whoever represents evil will use numbers not words .One enlightened deciple opined that if a man went on a journey in his car and purchased fuel if he diverted from the straight and narrow then the devil would know as the numbers for money spent and miles covered would not tally .So there is a Biblical warning about numbers in the good book and governments are going to fulfill that prophecy .You should finger the bible some time Rodent a lot of nut jobs live their life by it .Christian fundamentalism swears by it .

Offline SClass

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #277 on: August 22, 2018, 01:37:01 pm »
I'll never forgive FF for closing down the Harcourt Street to Bray line,
Todd Andrews the auld pox,
And we can blame for the leaking underground water pipes,
Don't think I'll bother my bollocks getting up off the couch to vote next time,
No one there for me.


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Re: Brexit
« Reply #278 on: August 22, 2018, 03:03:56 pm »
I see the Spanish security forces were attacked on the border for trying to stop migrants entering Spain illegally. You won't hear much bout that on CNN


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Re: Brexit
« Reply #279 on: August 22, 2018, 03:14:12 pm »
It appears migrant centre volunteers in Brussels have also been attacked by nigrants

john m

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Re: Brexit
« Reply #280 on: August 22, 2018, 03:16:33 pm »
@S a lot of what You and Dollymount and Timothy say about the Eu is correct it is a sesspool but This stone in a puddle we call a country couldnt exist outside it .For about 50 years after Independence the Brits paid to run this country .My grandas mate worked in the Dep of Finance his job was. On Thursday a check was delivered from the British embassy to the Dep he then brought that check to Bank of Ireland .That was his only job .That check was lodged into the government current account .The Irish government used that payment as security on loans they got from other banks to run the country that money guarenteed the interest payments the debt could be rolled over until inflation reduced it to little .As soon as those payments were reduced as a lot of the pensioners who the Brits had liabilities for died Lemass started to panic we were running out of money .If it wasent for people sendig home a few £ that they earned in england or America we would of went bankrupt .Lemass tried to join the Common market in 1962 but they told him to fuckoff  him and his begging bowl .We only got in when Britain got in .You probably remember the campaign join the EU and a pint of Porter in Dublin will be as cheap as a pint in Manchester a pound of butter would cost the same so oul ones that use to take the Bus up to Jonesboro to buy boxes of butter for resale around the doors would be out of business and cars in Ireland would be as cheap as cars in England .It was all bollox just like the bolloxology promised by Brexit .

  Ireland is was and always will be a corrupt little Kip .From Larry Goodman to Anglo Bank the state have covered up for their mates .If you ever get the chance research how much money was raised by Mc Grath with the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes and how little of it actually went to the Hospitals .Ireland corrupted the EU entry rules to facilitate free market entry for US companies then created tax loop holes to encourage them to come in here.The first big scam was a Company called Data Products in Coolock/Clonshaugh the scam there was three component parts imported from different countries assembled in Coolock then sold into the European market but also exported back to the USA where Export duty was reclaimed from the Irish State .We have been facilitating all sorts of dodgey practices for ever .Irish government dont give a fuck how much tax multinationls pay as long as they employ people any people not necessarily irish but in Ireland .As long as they spend their wages the government gets sales tax ie VAT ,plus PRSI  and income tax .Watch income tax increase and other taxes increase like Fuel and drink duty tobacco tax carbon tax and property tax .The reason is simple to much of Irish earnings is being exported as so many people are renting homes from foreign owners .The real reason the government tried rent control was to stop hemorrhaging coin over sees nothing to do with affordability .The reason I am Pro Europe is simple I dont trust the Gay Foreigner and the other 165 fuckers in Kildare Street to run the kip as every chance they got to run it they messed up.Look at some of the other effords the government made to improve things the PMPA ,Insurance Corporation of Ireland Orphanages Laundries Hep B scandal now the Womens Cancer .Dont know if you know this but everything in most government offices schools or hospitals are rented .I knew a lad worked for a hospital bed supplier he told me they were getting about 6 times the actual price of buying a bed from the hospitals by renting them to them .He said the reason they rent is because the renter will replace them in time so the hospital can budget without the possibility of having to find money for new ones every few years .Can you imagine how many million the company that supply photo coppiers or even telephones or answering machines make from government contracts .Its a Game S and what we need to do is decide how much we need to survive and how we can get it .It really is that simple .FF/FG .SF PROFIT FROM THE PEOPLE ,GREENS their all the same they dont count the game remains the same thats why we can change governments every 5 years because they dont really count they cant change the game .The Brits will find out just like Venezuela when they tried to fight the system they have more oil than Saudi .Ever wonder why Ross and the Healy Boys are given little victories its just for show make it look like democracy wins .You might notice Ross still didnt get his way on Judges appointments as they need their judges to interpret their laws .Look at them threatening Poland because they want to appoint their own Judges .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexit
« Reply #281 on: August 22, 2018, 03:23:17 pm »
It appears migrant centre volunteers in Brussels have also been attacked by nigrants

Who's covering the gates on Islandbridge?


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Re: Brexit
« Reply #282 on: August 22, 2018, 03:37:02 pm »
John to be honest I didn't read your post,because it was to i have said before,my only cobcerns are ,the loss of our culture,heritage,and national identity due to the influx of foreigners to this country . The powers that be are always looking for ways to integrate them into Irish society.ill be perfectly honest,I DO NOT want them to integrate,I just want them to fukk off back to where they came from.on another note last night's rose of Tralee winner,a black woman I believe was selected just so the liberal brigade could be appeased.her first statement was to say,there is no such thing as a typical Irish woman (straight away a further dilution of IRISH women) and that diversity should be embarrassed

john m

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Re: Brexit
« Reply #283 on: August 22, 2018, 03:40:09 pm »
John to be honest I didn't read your post,because it was to i have said before,my only cobcerns are ,the loss of our culture,heritage,and national identity due to the influx of foreigners to this country . The powers that be are always looking for ways to integrate them into Irish society.ill be perfectly honest,I DO NOT want them to integrate,I just want them to fukk off back to where they came from.on another note last night's rose of Tralee winner,a black woman I believe was selected just so the liberal brigade could be appeased.her first statement was to say,there is no such thing as a typical Irish woman (straight away a further dilution of IRISH women) and that diversity should be embarrassed

You should read me posts Dollymount they are informative .Im going to agree with you on the Rose thing a few years ago the winner was a Lesbian If there is a transgender in it next year Im betting on it .

Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: Brexit
« Reply #284 on: August 22, 2018, 05:06:11 pm »
John to be honest I didn't read your post,because it was to i have said before,my only cobcerns are ,the loss of our culture,heritage,and national identity due to the influx of foreigners to this country . The powers that be are always looking for ways to integrate them into Irish society.ill be perfectly honest,I DO NOT want them to integrate,I just want them to fukk off back to where they came from.on another note last night's rose of Tralee winner,a black woman I believe was selected just so the liberal brigade could be appeased.her first statement was to say,there is no such thing as a typical Irish woman (straight away a further dilution of IRISH women) and that diversity should be embarrassed

You should read me posts Dollymount they are informative .Im going to agree with you on the Rose thing a few years ago the winner was a Lesbian If there is a transgender in it next year Im betting on it .
Do you really type them John, or speak them to a machine, or another person to type them?
"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"


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