MFH the reason I want Brexit to happen is,this country will NEVER leave the EU ,the Irish people are infatuated with it.if the rug is pulled from under them by the withdrawal of other countries,that is the only way I will see the total destruction of the EU. I am very angary about this free movement of people, and I would love to see it stopped.i understand young people disagree with me because they want to continue unrestricted travel,but from my perspective I have lost my culture,heratige,and national identity.our identity has been sold by the parasites in Leinster house who sold it for greed.they welcome foreigners to this country who will willingly come and work for half the minimum rate ,to the detriment of Irish people.these same scumbag politicians don't give a fukk about the Irish,as they walk away with their multiple state,and European pensions.example John Bruton, TDS. Pension,Former minister's pension,former Toaseachs pension,European pension,etc etc.Michael D Higgins the same,and these are the cunts who are constantly on their soap boxes telling Irish people to welcome foreigners so that they can come and take their jobs to help their rich business friends so they can avail of the cheap imported labour. Just look at our own industry' do you welcome the amount of foreigners out there every night taking your livlehood ,? I fukking dont