Author Topic: Brexit  (Read 140964 times)


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« on: August 13, 2018, 12:28:36 pm »
I am sick to my stomach at the prospect of Brexit NOT happening.recent poll in the UK suggest the pendulum has swung towards remain with 53 per cent now flavouring remain.inspite of the fact that the British PM has said there will be no second referendum,she will find it hard to ignore these figures.those unselected bastards in the EU rejected every proposal put to them in order to detail in a sneaky way.they are scum .I hope to fukk some other country leaves,and brings them to their would have to be a country who would have a big impact on them,as unfortunately all the big hitters like Germany, France,Italy etc are pro E U
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 01:10:34 pm by Admin »

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2018, 12:32:28 pm »
Pissing against the wind....................blowback is savage.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 01:01:07 pm by The Liffey Lip »

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2018, 01:11:27 pm »
Why would ya care what happens in another country?Not our problem.

john m

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2018, 01:26:43 pm »
Your average Brit is living in the past or their image of the past .British history as we know in Ireland was servitude the Aristocricy owned all the property and the people supplied the labour .Read Dickins Bleak House Oliver Twist .The Poor existed to serve the rich .people lived in hovels or if they were working lived in tennements Most people worked 60 hours a week to earn enough to eat ,a lot of jobs in mills or mines came with a house or Tied Cottage if you lost your job your family lost their house that was the working mans lot up to the 1900 s .It was only after WW1 that the welfare state came into being and that was a bribe to stop angry people rise up against the government after millions of men were slaughtered to defend the British Aristocracy and their property against German Socialism or Russian Bolshovism.The British made their fortune from robbing the rest of the Empire .The Brits misrepresent the meaning of Great Brittain they thinkit means they are or were Great but the prefix Great came from the name France gave to them as Great Brittany or the big bit of Brittany that was separated from the mainland of France ,France always considered Britain as a French Island .

 Britain lost both World Wars but believed they won them .They won the fighting part but lost the Peace .After WW2 millions of working men dead and the country in bits the Great Winston Churchill invited men from the commonwealth or Empire who had fought for Britain tocome and work and rebuild the country .He falsly believed that they would come earn a packet and fuck off back to where they came but they didnt they stayed .That is what Brexit is about nothing at all to do with Europe it is all about identity and race .

 The Brexiteers used every lie and falsehood in the book to feed the idea that Brexit would mean that they would all go home but now the people realize that Paddy The Pole or Fernando the Tango dancer are not welfare spongers but low wage workers who work for less money than your average unemployed waster gets in welfare payments .The promise of 300 million a day extra for the NHS was bollox .

People forget the reason that Britain joined the Common Market .It was Bankrupt the IMF were running the country and Ted Heath saw a chance to get funded by the EEC just like we did and every other country in the Eu did .Its a ponzy scheme .Or as Economists say extend and pretend .You give somebody credit best example a credit card your limit is 2000 you spend it but cannot afford to repay it so your CC company ask you for a minimum payment you pay that and a few months later they ask you would you like to raise your credit limit .They never want the money back they just want you to keep paying interest .If you pay them back the money then they need to find somebody else to borrow it .

 Now the problem with Brexit is and its simple .If the Uk leave the EU who will loan them the money they need to run the country .It costs more money to run the UK than they take in in taxes so they need to borrow every year to pay pensions dole run hospitals schools just to keep the show on the road .Borris Reece Mogg and the Tory Elites who probably made their family Fortune back in the Colonial Days have been brought up on the family legends of how they plundered the Empire and the daft cunts believe that the Empire would once again flock to them if they flung off the EU shackles .Now they have found out Canada ,India Pakistan USA most of africa dont want anything to do with them They have nothing to sell .Their engineering Shipbuilding industries are gone to Asia they cannot grow enough food for themselves so have nothing to export .The only people that will gain from Britain leaving the EU are the Elites who will short sell stocks and shares and currencies in the hope that the British economy crashes .The fella who lost his job in the car factory or coal mine or steelmill wont benifit his job is gone to somebody ,somewhere in the world that will do his job for less thats the simple truth .Brexit is just an opportunity for the Big Banks investors vulture funds to assett strip Britain before the fuck off and invest in the future which is China India Pakistan Africa The same shit with Trump .The Elites know Europe the USA the Far East has been scourged of every penny they are indebted up to their eyeballs and its time to move on to pastures Green .Trump and the Yanks know the Day of the Almighty Dollar is over China scares the shit out of them and India is waiting to Grow then Africa .Trump is trying to prevent the Fall of the Dollar .

 Brexit was just a chance for the Brits to stick their toe in the water to see if they had any friends now they know they havent watch as they try to backtrack .Your unemployed waster in the North of England now knows that his dole and housing benifits are gone if the Uk leave the EU your pensioner living ion Tenerife is frightened he wont be able to collect his pension or use his medical card if they leave the Eu .Brexit was just like a poker player going all in without a hand getting called but now wants to take back his money and say he didnt mean to bet .The only thing that defines countries now are what song the sing in the Eurovision or what colour their Away Jersey is .Individual countries no longer exist you are members of a bigger group or you are nothing or American .

 Watch Turkey if you want to know Britains Future outside of the EU no country can stand up to the big banks .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2018, 01:34:48 pm »
It's all a game and the plebs are pawns being manipulated by the brokers of said game. The 3rd degree is as far as a pleb is allowed go............

Marx, the most refined and well-fed commie the world has known, knew the game.... his exponents, all Jews from Russia and East Germany, The Frankfurt School set up a think-tank after WW2 and rewarded the orators and rhetoricians handsomely. Teresa May is married to the top man in Capital Group....her husband personally made 63 million sterling when B.A.E. became the go-to lads for munitions in the bombing of Syria.

Omar, series 2 of The Wire....poorly educated man with no future except robbing drug-lords at gunpoint: "It(sic) the game knows the rules......"
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 01:38:18 pm by The Liffey Lip »

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2018, 01:36:19 pm »
He never take out muddafucka....apologies.

john m

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2018, 01:44:05 pm »
As I advised Lip Its a game learn the rules then make sure nobody knows you are playing .I posted on Roys a few Years Back that all the Land along the Nass Road would be rezoned for housing .I also told people why there is an eyesore appartment block at the Blackhorse in Inchicore and why they built the Spire .Watch as planning permission for 32 storey appartment blocks are granted for all along the Nass Road ..Its a Game Lip cause huge homeless problem then you have something to sort keep the plebs happy .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2018, 01:48:50 pm »
You're smart John but I'd say you're too lazy to check out my paranoid theories......muhahahaha rofl......

Another German.....Hegel.

Hegelian Dialectic: Problem-Reaction-Solution. Used every day in politics.....want a certain thing to happen?... then cause a problem with your pre-determined solution in mind.


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Re: Brexir
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2018, 01:54:42 pm »
MFH the reason I want Brexit to happen is,this country will NEVER leave the EU ,the Irish people are infatuated with it.if the rug is pulled from under them by the withdrawal of other countries,that is the only way I will see the total destruction of the EU. I am very angary about this free movement of people, and I would love to see it stopped.i understand young people disagree with me because they want to continue unrestricted travel,but from my perspective I have lost my culture,heratige,and national identity.our identity has been sold by the parasites in Leinster house who sold it for greed.they welcome foreigners to this country who will willingly come and work for half the minimum rate ,to the detriment of Irish people.these same scumbag politicians don't give a fukk about the Irish,as they walk away with their multiple state,and European pensions.example John Bruton, TDS.  Pension,Former minister's pension,former Toaseachs pension,European pension,etc etc.Michael D Higgins the same,and these are the cunts who are constantly on their soap boxes telling Irish people to welcome foreigners       so that they can come and take their jobs to help their rich business friends so they can avail of the cheap imported labour. Just look at our own industry' do you welcome the amount of foreigners out there every night taking your livlehood ,? I fukking dont

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2018, 01:57:32 pm »
Hegelian Dialectic....Bobby Molloy and perfect form. Never look for the dog that barks.....

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2018, 02:27:34 pm »
Why would ya care what happens in another country?Not our problem.

Why would we care what happened in another country, Not our problem,
Are you for real,
I really do wonder about you Merc,
You haven't a fucking clue,
You're living in your own little bubble,
It pains me to think that people with your attitude is living in this country.
And possibly in the majority.

Yis  have the place fucked.

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2018, 02:29:05 pm »
I work days Daly.I drive around the foreigners that are already here.Without them my car would be idle.The Irish customers are the minority.All the stuff you talk about is already happening.What about all the extra half brits looking for Irish passports because of Brexit.I don't think we have any identity left.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 02:41:30 pm by mercenary for hire »

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2018, 02:33:51 pm »
Pile of shite to cod people into dying for some unknown entity....,_My_Country

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2018, 02:53:06 pm »
I've never known an Ireland that wasn't in the EU.Yous old farts are probably feeling a bit guilty because yis were at the helm when we joined the EU.We did take a lot of money from Europe too before yis started driving around in executive mercs when a cattle transporter would suffice.The reason all them foreigners want to come here is because it's a good place to live.I think we still the fastest growing economy in Europe.Doesn't get much better than that.What do his want flying fukking cars too?Maybe a space program?Nuclear weapons?Get back to work ya moany fuks.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 03:18:08 pm by mercenary for hire »

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Re: Brexir
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2018, 03:21:23 pm »
Another problem yis might have is the younger folks don't associate anything negative with the EU.How can ya ask them to leave something that they consider part of the furniture?


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