Author Topic: im bored  (Read 6027 times)


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Re: im bored
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2018, 07:54:24 pm »
We were like the chineeeeeeese we used to eat dog.sweet and sour graygound,or jack russel and chips was me favourete

Offline Belker

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Re: im bored
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2018, 08:03:07 pm »
I never actually ate Dog, but I did quite often have a taste of the Greyhounds (which I trained) meals.
The Chicken and Beef was superb, but it came from animals that had died and not been slaugherted properly.

It tasted just fine to a 10 year old hungry child !

Offline Belker

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Re: im bored
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2018, 08:12:15 pm »
Also the Tripe that was boiled in a big pot, it smelt so gorgeous as I minced it hot and steaming in the mincer fer the dogs,
the smell was so gorgeous but there was no taste from it, as in no taste at all, candle wax had more taste than Tripe !

Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: im bored
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2018, 08:21:22 pm »
There will be a place in Heaven fer you Harry !
system is a little crazy. About a month after my mother died, my wife had to go back to her home country for a couple of months as her mother was in hospital, and  my sister who was home from New Zealand for a little while believed that James was ready for a nursing home. He was Fair Deal approved, and the NH took €207pw of his pension, and the state paid the NH another €1100pw. We paid an additional €150pw for the "premium service". He was ok for a month, but after that statred "sundowning" and every evening he would want to get out, so the NH didn't want to keep him, and used the leverage of an additional "0ne on one " care from 18.00hrs to 23.00hrs  at €20 per hour, i.e €100 per day. We mananged this for 50 days until my wife returned when we took him out. My wife then applied for the carer's allowance €200-€250 pw week last September. It is means tested, and was refused just a week ago. Yes they will pay €1100 pw for a NH, but will not pay €200pw for home care!! I have appealed it but I am sure that it is in vain.
"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"

john m

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Re: im bored
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2018, 09:31:14 pm »
This week I learned how to hoover turn on a dishwasher and washing machine use the oven and hang out washing .Still havent a clue how to go shopping .To any of you who are a carer or look after children you have my greatest respect .Me hen got her knee done and I  have to look after her .I dont know how people do this for a living and for so little money.

Greatest test a human bean can be given by the almighty I imagine .....
 Is changing yur own parents nappy......
No bother doing anything physical for anyone as long as they are of pleasant disposition and compis mentis. Currently looking after my mother's 2nd husband who has vascular dementia aged 86, my mother died a year ago aged 92, and my father died in 1965 aged 48. The bulk of the work currently goes to my wife. The man has no short term memory. Physical/personal hygiene issues are not a problem as long as the brain is ok. However dealing with a man who refuses to shower, and whinges when you are shaving him is another whole can of wee wee. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

You sound like a total Gent and your good wife a Lady .

Offline Belker

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Re: im bored
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2018, 09:38:02 pm »
This week I learned how to hoover turn on a dishwasher and washing machine use the oven and hang out washing .Still havent a clue how to go shopping .To any of you who are a carer or look after children you have my greatest respect .Me hen got her knee done and I  have to look after her .I dont know how people do this for a living and for so little money.

Greatest test a human bean can be given by the almighty I imagine .....
 Is changing yur own parents nappy......
No bother doing anything physical for anyone as long as they are of pleasant disposition and compis mentis. Currently looking after my mother's 2nd husband who has vascular dementia aged 86, my mother died a year ago aged 92, and my father died in 1965 aged 48. The bulk of the work currently goes to my wife. The man has no short term memory. Physical/personal hygiene issues are not a problem as long as the brain is ok. However dealing with a man who refuses to shower, and whinges when you are shaving him is another whole can of wee wee. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

You sound like a total Gent and your good wife a Lady .
I'll go along with that, I refer to 'Harry' as a friend.


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