Author Topic: boozers open for good friday  (Read 8940 times)

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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boozers open for good friday
« on: January 25, 2018, 04:18:53 pm »
The Dáil has this afternoon passed legislation which will allow public houses serve alcohol on Good Friday.

Introducing the amendment to the Intoxicating liquor Act bill, Minister of State David Stanton explained why the government were supporting the amendment.

"Tourism makes a much greater contribution to our economy and this is particularly true during holidays, such as the busy Easter period.

"In addition changing demographics and increasing diversity in our population have led to a reduction in traditional religious practise.

"Taking all these factors into consideration the Government considered that it was an opportune time to have an examination of the Good Friday restrictions" he said.

Reacting this afternoon publican representative groups, the Licensed Vintners Association (Dublin publicans) and the Vintners Federation of Ireland (Outside Dublin),described the Good Friday ban as archaic and discriminatory, have welcomed today’s news.

Speaking following the vote, Padraig Cribben, Chief Executive of the VFI, thanked Independent Senator Billy Lawless who proposed the Bill.

“Along with the LVA we have been fighting to overturn this archaic law for the past decade,” said Mr Cribben.

“Today’s decision would not have been possible without the tireless work of Senator Billy Lawless and former Senator Imelda Henry,” he added.

Mr Cribben also paid tribute to Michael McDowell, Victor Boyhan and Gerard Craughwell who co-sponsored the Bill in the Seanad. Senator Gerry Horkan also provided invaluable assistance with the Bill.

Donall O’Keeffe, Chief Executive of the LVA, said the decision to allow the sale of alcohol on Good Friday was long overdue.

“Removing the ban is simple common sense,” said Mr O’Keeffe. “The large number of tourists visiting Ireland at Easter were confused by a law that made Ireland appear out of touch with the with the rest of our European neighbours.

“The extra day’s trade at such a busy time of year will be a welcome boost. This change is a win for our customers, our tourists, our suppliers and the wider hospitality sector,” he added.

“The fact the Bill received all-party support illustrates there is little opposition to Good Friday trading, as has always been the case for retailers in other sectors.”

Among those TDs who opposed the removal of the ban independent TD Maureen O'Sullivan suggested the bill would not help in the fight to reduce the harm caused by alcohol.

"So I wonder how many tourists have been put off coming to Ireland because there is a day when public houses are not open?

"With this bill what message are we sending out?

"I actually think we could do with a few Good Friday's throughout the year."

More reaction as we get it ... 

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2018, 04:32:23 pm »
open them Christmas day would be great now as well.

Offline Belker

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2018, 04:35:35 pm »
Christmas day will be next on the Hit-list
and then the 12.30pm of a Sunday.

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 04:40:53 pm »
did'nt know battle cruisers could'nt open before half twelve on a Sunday.

Offline Belker

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2018, 04:49:46 pm »
12.30pm of a Sunday or a Church holiday, which is Easter Monday and Paddies day only,
but most supermarkets do 12.30pm fer every bank holiday because they are too stoopid
to know the rules !

Offline Belker

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2018, 04:57:01 pm »
I had a young lad in the cab once who worked fer a flooring contractor,
he told me that Good Friday was there busiest day of the year laying
non-slip flooring in pubs, seemingly it takes 30 minutes to properly
clean the pub floor, another 30 minutes to lay the non-slip stuff and
then 8 hours fer it to dry, he reckoned that he could do 20 pubs of
a Good Friday.

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2018, 05:57:14 pm »
Good Friday was always a busy night....cos a lot of drivers thought it wouldn't be it'll be just an Ordinary Friday from now on!!

Offline Jack Meoff

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2018, 06:01:34 pm »
Imagine how the tourists felt.
In Ireland for the weekend and pubs closed.

Offline Belker

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2018, 06:20:57 pm »
Good Friday was always a busy night....cos a lot of drivers thought it wouldn't be it'll be just an Ordinary Friday from now on!!

Yep ! Similar to Christmas day, Fook all work about but even less drivers on,
Cream to be made on tariff 3 fer those that worked it !

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2018, 06:27:39 pm »
Imagine how the tourists felt.
In Ireland for the weekend and pubs closed.

I remember a few years back,picked up two english burds from the Regency on Holy Thurs at about 9pm,they were unaware that the boozers would be closed at midnight,not open on the Friday and they were heading home Sat morning...apparantly they got a great deal from their travel agent!!
There was silence in the back of the car when i broke the news to them!

Offline markmiwurdz

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2018, 10:41:46 pm »
Imagine how the tourists felt.
In Ireland for the weekend and pubs closed.

I remember a few years back,picked up two english burds from the Regency on Holy Thurs at about 9pm,they were unaware that the boozers would be closed at midnight,not open on the Friday and they were heading home Sat morning...apparantly they got a great deal from their travel agent!!
There was silence in the back of the car when i broke the news to them!

You'd some bottle telling them that,must have made shite of your tip... lol

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2018, 11:28:55 pm »
Imagine how the tourists felt.
In Ireland for the weekend and pubs closed.

I remember a few years back,picked up two english burds from the Regency on Holy Thurs at about 9pm,they were unaware that the boozers would be closed at midnight,not open on the Friday and they were heading home Sat morning...apparantly they got a great deal from their travel agent!!
There was silence in the back of the car when i broke the news to them!

You'd some bottle telling them that,must have made shite of your tip... lol

There's a sadist in me just dyin to get out!!

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2018, 01:05:23 am »
Another decent night fukked up. With Celtic Tiger II gathering pace it woulda been a bumper year with all them house warming parties.

john m

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2018, 02:11:21 am »
Last week sod busting TDs were complaining rural drunks couldnt get to the pub as there was no public transport and the poor divils might lose their driving licence if they had a dribble to much .This week they vote to make the problem worse by opening pubs more often .Only in this Republic can this make sense .

Offline Tony

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Re: boozers open for good friday
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2018, 07:07:15 am »
First St patrick's day and now good Friday, only Christmas day left now and they are opened 365.

 Catholic Ireland me bollix
Mr. T-bag to you


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