Author Topic: Kildare taxi driver gets conviction for assault on young woman before Naas Court  (Read 6834 times)

Offline markmiwurdz

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Fare estimator is 58.60-72.20.

john m

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Ouch,2 previous didn't help his cause.

So much for standards .This dangerous criminal is allowed to drive a taxi ,I hope the Reps look to have his licence revoked  If I was this girl I would sue the regulator for licencing somebody with multiple previous assault charges .

Offline markmiwurdz

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Ouch,2 previous didn't help his cause.

So much for standards .This dangerous criminal is allowed to drive a taxi ,I hope the Reps look to have his licence revoked  If I was this girl I would sue the regulator for licencing somebody with multiple previous assault charges .

We all know that waffle about rooting out the bogeys was a load of tossology... ::fight

john m

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Ouch,2 previous didn't help his cause.

So much for standards .This dangerous criminal is allowed to drive a taxi ,I hope the Reps look to have his licence revoked  If I was this girl I would sue the regulator for licencing somebody with multiple previous assault charges .

We all know that waffle about rooting out the bogeys was a load of tossology... ::fight

There is a list of  criminal offences that bar you from driving a taxi .iF assault is one then this girl was put in peril by the licencing authorities if they issued a licence .Can you imagine the size of the payout if your local pub employed somebody with multiple assault convictions as a bouncer and they assaulted a customer .I would say this Girl has a great case against the licencing authorities . tHis game takes the patience of a Saint sometimes if your a hot head its not for you .Im sure we all would of liked to thump somebody at some time but its never a god idea .

Offline Shallowhal

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The NTA will just say that driver licencing is the responsibility of the Gardai...which it is...but we all know if the gards were remotely interested in taking him to court to get his licence revoked he have his brief pleading all sorts...his livlihood,the state will have to support him...and of course the wig will be swayed by all this bollox!!

Offline Rat Catcher

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If it's one of dem blax he'd probably lose his licence on foot of a Garda objection. TTnH have a history of opposing Garda objections to convicted criminals being licensed but I don't think they represent many immigrants.

Driverless cars are the only way to safeguard passengers from criminals driving taxis, particularly in Ireland. Old SC was blue in the face telling us how dangerous taking a cab in Ireland is... ironically he's a TTnH member!

Offline watty

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Funny how they didn't mention the driver's name.  He got found guilty - no more innocent until proven guilty?

Defence argued that the accused charged the young lady €42.20 and not €70.
No mention of a receipt or an official from either the Guards or NTA on how much the fare shoulda been.

Offline Shallowhal

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So he has three convictions now....and no mention of his nationality...and why was the brief asking why she left on her own and how much drink she consumed....i'm surprised he didn't ask her what she was wearing on the night cos that might have explained his actions.

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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three strikes and you're out.
you should be allowed attack 2 people, get it out of your system.
3 times is taking the mickey though.
I fear the next person attacked will be quite literally taking the mickey.

Offline markmiwurdz

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Funny how they didn't mention the driver's name.  He got found guilty - no more innocent until proven guilty?

Defence argued that the accused charged the young lady €42.20 and not €70.
No mention of a receipt or an official from either the Guards or NTA on how much the fare shoulda been.

NTA Fare estimator is 58.60-72.20.  hth...

Offline Belker

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There is a list of  criminal offences that bar you from driving a taxi .

I remember reading that same list a few years back when it was First published,
asking Taxi drivers from outside the state to come forward if they had a criminal conviction.

The list fer disbarment on conviction fer a Taxi licence was fer Murder or Rape only,
all other convictions were allowed to hold a Taxi licence unless the Gardai object
in person to the court.

Offline Shallowhal

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The list fer disbarment on conviction fer a Taxi licence was fer Murder or Rape only,
all other convictions were allowed to hold a Taxi licence unless the Gardai object
in person to the court.

So you can only murder or rape once but you can batter someone multiple times without fear of losing your licence....good to know!!

The Liffey Lip

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Reason for a Judge's reluctance to refuse a man/woman a Taxi licence stems from the fact that it is perceived by many that it's the last resort for many seeking employment.  Yrs ago it was the Army or Jail etc etc. Don't forget some serious criminals have driven Taxies in Dublin...some from the 70's were alleged big-time heavies. Anyways....bigger issues now what with the "unknowns"....serious shite down the road here....
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 12:16:49 pm by The Liffey Lip »

Offline Rat Catcher

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The list fer disbarment on conviction fer a Taxi licence was fer Murder or Rape only,
all other convictions were allowed to hold a Taxi licence unless the Gardai object
in person to the court.

The Gardai don't have to object in court. The Superintendent can refuse to issue/renew any SPSV driving licence. The scumbag who is refused can then appeal the decision in court - sometimes with the support of his Union e.g. TTnH have supported at least one convicted drug dealer who had also been convicted for overcharging from DAP when Gardai refused to licence.


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