Author Topic: fuckin eejits  (Read 11439 times)

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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fuckin eejits
« on: May 18, 2018, 03:36:53 pm »

Lynk taxis offering FREE lifts to Dublin polling stations next Friday

Lynk taxis are offering free local lifts to people hoping to travel to polling stations to vote in next Friday's referendum.

The free rides are being offered to encourage people to get out and use their vote and make their voice heard.

The referendum on the eighth amendment takes place next Friday, May 25.

#LynkToVote is available in the greater Dublin area between the hours of 9am and 2pm.

The discount code will allow for a free local taxi journey to the value of €10.

If the taxi journey goes over this amount, the €10 will be deducted from the overall fee.

In order to avail of this discount, users must download the Lynk taxi app, enter their personal card details and the discount code, #LynkToVote and make their booking.

Noel Ebbs, CEO of Lynk Taxis said he wants his customers to be able to use their vote next week

He said:

“As a company we have a great respect for our local customers and we want to be sure they use their right to vote in this upcoming, important referendum and make it as easy as possible for them to get to their polling station.

"If our promotion encourages even one person to go out and use their vote, we’ll be pleased. We hope lots of users avail of the #LynkToVote discount code and use their valuable votes on May 25.”

Polling stations will be open across the country from 7am to 10pm.

john m

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2018, 04:00:13 pm »
  ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck ::fuck
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 04:29:14 pm by john m »

john m

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2018, 04:28:19 pm »
Using such a personal issue to sign up NEW USERS In order to avail of this discount, users must download the Lynk taxi app, enter their personal card details and the discount code, #LynkToVote and make their booking. PROBABLY THE LOWEST MOVE EVER BY ANY TAXI DISPATCHER HOW LOW CAN YOU GO

john m

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2018, 04:55:17 pm »
If your on FB drop over to Lynk taxipage and leave a comment for this totally insensitive promotion .Discracefull how only new customers are being subsidized to vote .

Offline watty

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2018, 05:44:17 pm »
It's not restricted to new users but you have to enter your CC details.

Don't know who he's going after.  Most people with money, CC & a smartphone will be in work between 9am and 2pm?

Online Octavia1

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2018, 06:05:45 pm »
Using such a personal issue to sign up NEW USERS In order to avail of this discount, users must download the Lynk taxi app, enter their personal card details and the discount code, #LynkToVote and make their booking. PROBABLY THE LOWEST MOVE EVER BY ANY TAXI DISPATCHER HOW LOW CAN YOU GO
I tink myjaxi or hailo dun the same for the gay weddins vote as well didneeday not???
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Online Octavia1

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2018, 06:16:02 pm »
The law is changing and you're in the driving seat. Check your emails to opt in for personalised offers and bonus payments!

Jus got this from mytaxi

Wt does it mean the law is changing???  ???
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline Cool Boola

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2018, 07:20:55 pm »
How is it my taxi when they tell u what to do .   .    .Should be their taxi + 12%
Dis an Dat Im not a rat

Offline Belker

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2018, 07:44:13 pm »
The law is changing and you're in the driving seat. Check your emails to opt in for personalised offers and bonus payments!

Jus got this from mytaxi

Wt does it mean the law is changing???  ???

Maybe their adopting a few Muslim laws where your Burd gets Stoned to death if'n she is Rydeing around,
Or that poor Sudanese yoke that got married to a man of her choice last year, but without her fathers consent,
she got 6 months in jail and 75 'Licks of de Cat' last week after completing her prison sentence.

Offline silverbullet

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2018, 07:46:45 pm »
Give all your details for a free cab ride?
Fuck off Ebbs.

Online Octavia1

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2018, 08:50:30 pm »
The law is changing and you're in the driving seat. Check your emails to opt in for personalised offers and bonus payments!

Jus got this from mytaxi

Wt does it mean the law is changing???  ???

Maybe their adopting a few Muslim laws where your Burd gets Stoned to death if'n she is Rydeing around,
Or that poor Sudanese yoke that got married to a man of her choice last year, but without her fathers consent,
she got 6 months in jail and 75 'Licks of de Cat' last week after completing her prison sentence.
She shud come here...... Loads o room an a free gaff
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline Belker

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2018, 09:39:38 pm »
Unfortunately we don't get those who are really in need, what we
do get in those who know how to scam any system 'Inside-Out' !

My heart goes out to that Sudanese woman, flogged innocently,
75 Lashes is a lot, in most cases 50-60 would render a Man unconcious,
80-90 would Kill him. The Lady did Fook all wrong.

john m

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2018, 04:12:29 am »
It's not restricted to new users but you have to enter your CC details.

Don't know who he's going after.  Most people with money, CC & a smartphone will be in work between 9am and 2pm?

Of course its restricted to new customers ONLY if you were an existing customer you would not have to download the app or enter details they would already have them .

Offline Vikkiz

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2018, 08:32:37 am »
Like most promotions it’s aimed at new customers, similar to Sky, Eir, Virgin etc etc etc. Hailo did do this for the gay wedding one.

It’s called drumming up business. Don’t ask me how it’ll work for the drivers. Hope they aren’t doing them for free.
Idiots if they do, but they will probably get a few clowns to sign up

Offline silverbullet

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Re: fuckin eejits
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2018, 08:27:13 pm »
From Noella Ebbs Adebayo
Dear, Silverbullet:( )

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I have the belief you are a reputable and responsible and trustworthy person I can do business with from the little information so far I gathered about you during my search for a partner and by matter of trust I must not hesitate to confide in you for this simple and sincere business.

I am Noella Ebbs Adebayo19 years of age the only daughter of late Mr Bono Ebbs Adebayo whom was killed by the rebels that attacked our country cote d’Ivoire west Africa and took over our town (BOUAKE). I ran to Abidjan the economic capital of cote d’ivoire from were I am contacting you. Before the death of my father he told me that he has a sum of US$9,000,000(Nine million united states dollars) kept in a private security company here in cote d’ivoire in my name as the next of kin,

Dear, in the capacity of the next of kin and with all the documents in my hand now, I am contacting you with due sense of humanity that you will give it a sympathetic and mutual consideration.

I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.

First : Accept a free lift to the voting station.

(1)To serve as the guardian of this fund and to come assist me to visit the security company here to retrieve the consignment.

(2)To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a residential permit for me in your country.

(3)To provide good investment plans for the fund and to manage the fund for 5 years, during the investment period,only our profit will be shared annually 70% for me the investor while 30% will be for you the fund manager annually.

Moreover, I am willing to offer you 15 % of the total sum as compensation for your effort /input after the successful transfer of this fund to your nominated account overseas, before the investments start, and I have mapped 5% for any expenses that might be incurred during the course of this transaction.

furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as I believe that this transaction would be concluded within a stipulated period of time you signify your interest to assist me.

Simply give me all your credit card details, and sign up with lymp,

Anticipating hearing from you immediately.

Thanks and God bless.
Best Regards.
Noella Ebbs Adebayo

Seems legit! 8)


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