Author Topic: Donny Doomed  (Read 15290 times)

john m

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Donny Doomed
« on: June 08, 2018, 03:09:55 pm »
Donny T going to get the bollox kicked out of himself at the G7 then Kim whats he called will laugh at him after he wins his 20 wingwang bet @33/1 to get a selfie of him and Donny T .Watching Donny T and Kim Whatit it reminds me of the Mc Gregor .Mayweather bolloxology

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2018, 03:22:11 pm »
The man's a genius.... Yu have to crack eggs to make an omelette....
I see the Austrians are closing the mosques an deportin the cunts after they found them training their 7 year old in combat uniforms.....
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2018, 03:33:19 pm »
Donny is probably a phyco .If he thinks that the others in thr G7 dont like him then like the fucking child that he is he will take a tantrum and if Kimmy dosent give him a big victory then he is likely to send in the soldiers .If he decides to impose tarriffs on Jap and European Cars then prices could drop as they try to sell of stock .This could be a huge few weeks for America if Europe ,Japan,Canada and a few other big countries decide that America is really the bully in the School yard and always has been .The Gay Foreigner must be shitting himself if Donny T has reduced US tax rates that will effect Irelands ability to help big multinationals cheat their tax but if Donny T imposes duty on American Tech being sold or US services then the Google Getto is Fucked .This country COULD POSSIBLY be the biggest losers if Donny takes the hump and with Brexit looking fucked the Brits wont be in any humour to help us out .Fucking ridicilous set up Donny is annoyed with the Germans and the Germans are pissed off with the bBrits and Ireland will be the biggest losers .Time to GET A GUN .


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2018, 06:52:53 pm »
Dont agree that brexit is fucked.the scumbags in the EUare doing everything in their power to prevent the Brits from leaving I hope to fukk Donald will give them a great deal in 2019 when thry will be free to talk to him.come on Italy ,please hokd a referendum on leaviing as well ,and bring those cunts in the EU to their knees.the only reason the house of lords voted against everything that was proposed by the British government was all those auld bastards have massive EU pensions

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2018, 03:36:59 am »
Ireland will find it "hard to sustain economic momentum" amid radical changes now taking place to international tax rules, the former head of the IMF's mission has warned.

Ashoka Mody said the Government's confidence that Ireland "stands on its own feet" after exiting the bailout "could prove premature".

And he said the Irish economy won't cope with radical changes to international tax rules, which will dent our attractiveness to multinationals.

The dire warning of a massive threat to our economy is contained in a hard hitting new book from the former head of the IMF's mission to Ireland. "Without its low-tax regime, Ireland will find it hard to sustain economic momentum," he said.

He said the Apple tax ruling and increased scrutiny on international tax havens "will require Ireland to create a new growth model, one that does not rely so heavily on low corporate taxes". "Ireland is not well prepared to deal with the challenges of that shift," Mr Mody writes. He pointed out that our domestic companies "do little research and development".

"The damage from the crisis continues: fiscal austerity forced a decline in public-education expenditures, and large numbers of young Irish citizens with college degrees left for the UK, other 'Anglo-Saxon' countries, and the Gulf States," he continues.

Mr Mody's stark warning comes on the back of a caution from Ireland's budgetary watchdog about our exposure to multinationals.

The Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFAC), chaired by UCC economist Seamus Coffey, warned losing just one of the bigger multinationals would leave the State with a €276m hole in its corporation tax revenue.

That does not include the impact of job losses caused by such a departure - and the tax losses and welfare spending increases that would follow -but IFAC said this would have a less serious effect, even with the loss of 2,000 jobs.



inRead invented by Teads
According to Revenue, foreign-owned multinationals paid 80pc of all corporation tax last year, totalling €8.2bn.

In a report issued in April, Revenue said the top 10 payers of corporation tax accounted for almost 40pc of that total.

In his book, 'EuroTragedy: A Drama in Nine Acts', Mr Mody writes that efforts by EU leaders, including German chancellor Angela Merkel, to present Ireland as a "poster child of European austerity and structural reform policies" were wrong. He said the country's low corporate tax regime and strong ties to US multinationals were key to the recent economic recovery, adding that multinationals' exports had overcome the negative effects of austerity on growth.

Mr Mody writes there was "a remarkable change in Irish leaders' attitudes towards financial assistance to Eurozone member countries in distress."

"Irish government officials called for a 'debt conference' to forgive debts owed by periphery countries to their European creditors.

"However, when it became clear that any hope of forgiveness of Irish debts was a pipe dream, Irish leaders quickly changed tack and turned into increasingly strident critics of debt relief for Greece."

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2018, 05:40:49 am »
Dublin City Council, aka the Corpo, has advised people to be vigilant for the next 2 yrs as they expect a massive influx of homeless people from abroad due to the Brexit fallout. Make of that what you will............

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2018, 08:59:03 am »
Something I read the other day on the news is that a third of people on the homeless list  are foreign nationals.They're already here.

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2018, 09:08:16 am »
Mr Patel who has a few taxies and in Lucan was telling me a lot of his countrymen who have British passports are moving just in case the Brits cancel them after Brexit and that as soon as they have the required residancy in Ireland they will apply for Irish citizenship .He was saying that Irish law it is harder to bring in your family if you have an Irish Passport than it is with a British Passport .He said the reason they like Ireland is that most wealthy educated Pakastanis speak English .Sort of Ironic Ireland having Little Pakastan when you consider the Irish had Crickelwood and Boston and we moved for exactly the same reasons .

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2018, 09:33:35 am »
I dont think the Gay Foreigner or Paggo get it .Ireland has no REAL ECONOMY to speak of .We are dependent on Foreign Inward Investment especially from the USA if Donny T decides that medicines ,goods or Services made by American Companies Abroad will incur a tarriff when or if exported to the USA then a lot of the US companies in Ireland will fuck off bck home .That will crash the Irish tax take and we will be back to 1970 where ordinary workers will be paying 33/45% on basic incomes with high earners paying 50+plus social charge and PRSI so the big multinationals wont be able to recruit and we will go bust add in Brexit .The future for this country is on a knife edge and IF Italy decide to exit the Euro currency or just leave the EU then the whole lot collapses.The Banks know this and wont lend the Billions necessary to the Builders to buils if the shit hits the fan the exodus for the door will leave plenty of empty houses for people to shelter in between visits to the soup kitchen as there wont e money to pay dole or Pensions .TIME TO GET A GUN .


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2018, 09:35:28 am »
I believe all this talk about Ireland suffering because of brexit is scaremongering started by the cunts in the EUto make the brits think again.I really hope trump comes to their rescue,gives them a great deal,and they give 2fingers to the unelected scumbags runnuing that dictatorship called the EU.

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2018, 09:53:42 am »
Trump or anybody else wont come to Britains Rescue .They are a spent force have nothing to offer the World .Ireland .Pakistan,India most of Africa have old scores to settle with Britain .a HARD Brexit will cost us about 50,000 jobs and about 3% of GDP it will send us into recession .The biggest buyers and holders of Irish Government bonds are the Bank of England always has been at the moment we pay about 1.3 % coupon on Irish debt after Brexit when the Brits are bankrupt as they will be and will have to call in the IMF and the ECB no longer buy Euro bonds our interest payments will go up to over 4% on our national Debt .Why does this matter .Because like total arseholes we voted for the Fiscal Treaty where we agreed to reduce our National Debt and only run a surplus of 3% .I know you dont want to hear this Dollymount but we never left the UK they just removed our little bit of this stone in the oceans name from their passport .The Gay Foreigner is hopeing that the EU can prevent the Motherland from leaving because if they dont then we are totally fucked .The BIGGEST DANGER to the Irish Republic since its conseption is Brexit .Even Sinn Fein IRA knew that and lobbied for remain .Tessie May knows amongst the rest of the world Britain is only known for Britains Got Tallent ,The X factor ,Love Island and Ant and Dec. The British Empire just like the Roman and the Ottoman Empires are dead and gone .Now we are watching Donny T trying to save the USA before it goes the way of the Soviet Union .There are only Three Great Powers on earth .GOOGLE ,AMAZON and FACEBOOK they controle the information and the narrative ,they snook up while nobody was looking using Apple as a smokescreen .The Gay Foreigner knows the value of todying up to the big Three offering them data centers that will use billions of subsidised electricity in the hope that we might share in their benevolence .TIME TO GET A GUN .


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2018, 10:11:09 am »
While this country is constantly handing out citzenship,and welcoming foreigners, at an alarming rate,I would love to know what happens if,and when ,we go back into reccesion and we have to pay unemployment benefit to all these foreigners ?

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2018, 10:17:22 am »
While this country is constantly handing out citzenship,and welcoming foreigners, at an alarming rate,I would love to know what happens if,and when ,we go back into reccesion and we have to pay unemployment benefit to all these foreigners ?

What makes you think they will be unemployed ?Go down to Stewarts Hospital and see who are looking after the patients or go to any Hospice and listen to the accents go into any coffee shop or garage ,Most Foreigners come here to work .Its Mainly Irish accents you hear down the Dole .Selective Racism if Bohs signed 4 Brazilian players would you continue to support them or would you rip up your replica jersey ?Dont answer its not a retorical question .


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2018, 10:28:48 am »
Your right. They ARE all foreign accents in the places you mention, and why ? answer is,because this is the CHEAP INPORTED LABOUR from eastran Europe prepared to work for half the minumum rate.they are told by their empliyers if they open their mouths about how much they are being paid,they will be on the next boat back to whereever they came from.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2018, 12:26:04 pm »
Trump or anybody else wont come to Britains Rescue .They are a spent force have nothing to offer the World .Ireland .Pakistan,India most of Africa have old scores to settle with Britain .a HARD Brexit will cost us about 50,000 jobs and about 3% of GDP it will send us into recession .The biggest buyers and holders of Irish Government bonds are the Bank of England always has been at the moment we pay about 1.3 % coupon on Irish debt after Brexit when the Brits are bankrupt as they will be and will have to call in the IMF and the ECB no longer buy Euro bonds our interest payments will go up to over 4% on our national Debt .Why does this matter .Because like total arseholes we voted for the Fiscal Treaty where we agreed to reduce our National Debt and only run a surplus of 3% .I know you dont want to hear this Dollymount but we never left the UK they just removed our little bit of this stone in the oceans name from their passport .The Gay Foreigner is hopeing that the EU can prevent the Motherland from leaving because if they dont then we are totally fucked .The BIGGEST DANGER to the Irish Republic since its conseption is Brexit .Even Sinn Fein IRA knew that and lobbied for remain .Tessie May knows amongst the rest of the world Britain is only known for Britains Got Tallent ,The X factor ,Love Island and Ant and Dec. The British Empire just like the Roman and the Ottoman Empires are dead and gone .Now we are watching Donny T trying to save the USA before it goes the way of the Soviet Union .There are only Three Great Powers on earth .GOOGLE ,AMAZON and FACEBOOK they controle the information and the narrative ,they snook up while nobody was looking using Apple as a smokescreen .The Gay Foreigner knows the value of todying up to the big Three offering them data centers that will use billions of subsidised electricity in the hope that we might share in their benevolence .TIME TO GET A GUN .

Trump and Kim are the sideshow in China's long game.........Bloomberg explains why:

What is China up to? And how should American leaders react to the strategic challenge, even as they try to deal with the tactical threat of North Korea?

The real strategic centerpiece in East Asia is not the Korean Peninsula, although it is quite important. The true crowning jewel is the vast South China Sea, a body of water not much larger than the Caribbean, and which boasts millions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas beneath its placid waters.

Even more important, a third of all global shipping passes through its international waterways. It is arguably the most strategically valuable large body of water in the world -- and China claims it almost entirely as territorial waters.

This is a breathtaking claim. It would be as though the U.S. simply claimed the entire Gulf of Mexico as a sovereign sea -- meaning ownership of everything from the airspace over the water to the hydrocarbons miles below the surface.


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