Author Topic: Donny Doomed  (Read 15297 times)


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #45 on: June 14, 2018, 07:41:58 am »
Nothing closet about my views John,I dont welcome foreigners here so that they can cone and take my livlehood,unlike our politicians some of whom have MULTIPLE state,and European pensions and face no threat to THEIR livlehoods


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #46 on: June 14, 2018, 01:42:03 pm »
I heard on the news paddy power in going to donate 10K for every goal the russians score to the bumboys assocation .what next ?  They would do anything  for publicty

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #47 on: June 14, 2018, 06:28:40 pm »
You've never met a Presbyterian then.... ;)

Off the top of my head I can't think of any Presbyterians that I know to be such, I know a few practising and non-practising Church Of Ireland followers though which I guess is broadly similar.  However, I was chatting with some Orangemen when I was in the UK a couple of weeks ago whom I suspect were Presbyterians. Over the course of a few pints I could ascertain that they opposed racial integration, despised homosexuality and didn't see a need for abortion in their land... but then, as you know, Ulster instinctively says No, the question is of little relevance.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #48 on: June 14, 2018, 06:43:56 pm »
I heard on the news paddy power in going to donate 10K for every goal the russians score to the bumboys assocation .what next ?  They would do anything  for publicty

Right says BetFred?

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #49 on: June 14, 2018, 07:16:14 pm »
What is the "bumboys association"?


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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #50 on: June 14, 2018, 07:58:23 pm »
The LBGTXZT society or summit like dat

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #51 on: June 14, 2018, 08:56:09 pm »
Life was a lot easier when a BLT was a sandwich.

Online Octavia1

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #52 on: June 14, 2018, 09:10:20 pm »
I love the church of Ireland churches.... I've often though going into one them Sunday morning an havin a look... Seems like a good place to meet a nice homely baking cakes sort of mot who wudnt do the dirt on ya or tell yu Wat to do......
Have your slippers ready for yu... That sort of ting......
I had a black girlfriend wen I was a kid....
Luvelly girl she was....
We we'r playin hide and seek one night and I never seen her again........
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Online Octavia1

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #53 on: June 14, 2018, 09:14:54 pm »
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2018, 05:49:56 am »
I love the church of Ireland churches.... I've often though going into one them Sunday morning an havin a look... Seems like a good place to meet a nice homely baking cakes sort of mot who wudnt do the dirt on ya or tell yu Wat to do......
Have your slippers ready for yu... That sort of ting......
I had a black girlfriend wen I was a kid....
Luvelly girl she was....
We we'r playin hide and seek one night and I never seen her again........

You're a bit mad after all.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2018, 06:16:50 am »
Life was a lot easier when a BLT was a sandwich.

Getting very dangerous to have an opinion: From Trudeau's new liberal Canada..........

Activist judge to Christian charged with LGBT ‘hate’ speech: ‘Truth…is simply not relevant’
 Bc Human Rights Tribunal, Bill Whatcott, British Columbia, Devyn Cousineau, Human Rights Tribunal, Ndp, Ronan Oger

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 14, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that the “truth” of statements made by a Christian about a transgender political candidate’s biological sex is “not relevant” and cannot be used as a “defence” against allegations that the Christian was engaging in “hate” speech.

Christian and pro-family activist Bill Whatcott was hauled before the Tribunal last year on the grounds that he had engaged in “hate” speech for publicly exposing a transgender political candidate who claimed to be female, but who was born a biological male. The complainant, Mr. Ronan Oger, who now goes by Ms. Morgane Oger, was a candidate in the 2017 provincial election.

Oger is the Vice-President of B.C.’s New Democratic Party (NDP).

States court documents: “Ms. [sic] Oger was a candidate in the 2017 provincial election. During her [sic] candidacy, Mr. Whatcott distributed hundreds of flyers in her [sic] riding. The flyers were titled ‘Transgenderism vs. Truth in Vancouver‐False Creek.’ They described Ms. [sic] Oger as a ‘biological male who has renamed himself... after he embraced a transvestite lifestyle.’

“Ronan is running for the NDP in the Vancouver-False Creek riding and BC’s media and the NDP are promoting a false narrative that Ronan is a woman born into a male body,” the flyer explained.

“But the truth is Ronan’s DNA will always be male, he will never have a uterus, and no amount of cosmetic surgery, fake hormones, or media propaganda is going to be able to change those facts,” the flyer continued.

Whatcott stated in his flyer his concern “about the promotion and growth of homosexuality and transvestitism in British Columbia and how it is obscuring the immutable truth about our God given gender.” He called switching gender an “impossibility,” adding that it exposes people to harm.

Oger, who lost the election, filed a complaint with the B.C. Tribunal in May, 2017, alleging that Whatcott’s flyer was “discriminatory” and exposed transgender people to “hatred and contempt.”

When Whatcott and his lawyer attempted to defend the truth of the flyer, namely that Oger was, in fact, a biological male, Tribunal member Devyn Cousineau would have none of it.

Cousineau ruled that “the ‘truth’ of the statements in the flyer is not a defence.”

“Therefore, to the extent that Mr. Whatcott intends to call witnesses to establish the truth of his impugned publications, that evidence is simply not relevant to the legal issue and will not be heard by this Tribunal,” she wrote.

The B.C. Tribunal describes itself as an "independent, quasi-judicial body created by the B.C. Human Rights Code." The Tribunal, composed of unelected members, is responsible for "accepting, screening, mediating, and adjudicating human rights complaints."

Cousineau excluded in the case evidence that Oger is a biological male because she thought it “intrusive.”

“In my view, Mr. Whatcott’s requests are overly intrusive into Ms. [sic] Oger’s privacy and not at all relevant for the disposition of this complaint. Furthermore, the basis for the requests is questionable insofar as they are premised on Mr. Whatcott contesting that Ms. [sic] Oger is a transgender woman. That fact is the very foundation of his publications concerning her [sic] fitness for office.”

Whatcott said that Cousineau’s ruling was biased.

“Her rejection of giving any consideration to the truthfulness of my statements and her admonishment that I can't have any expert testimony that testifies to the truthfulness or accuracy of my statements in my election flyer pretty much means this trial will be no more credible than Stalin's show trials in the former USSR,” he wrote on his blog.

“And I am supposed to expect impartial justice from this leftist kangaroo, who believes the truthfulness of my statements is irrelevant?” he added.

Commenting on Oger’s record, LifeSiteNews asked Whatcott why he had concentrated on Oger’s claims to be female when he opposed Oger’s election campaign.

“Transvestitism (falsely called transgenderism”) is being pushed by the media and the leftist elites seeking to turn the once free and moral west into a sewer,” Whatcott replied. “The issue is much bigger than Ronan.”

“He simply happened to be the transvestite politician that everyone was pretending was a woman. I decided to speak truth to the matter and the rest is history.”

Whatcott believed that Oger’s medical records would have helped in the case as they would have testified to the truth that, as Whatcott stated in his pamphlet, Ogen is actually male.

“We now have a problem as the human rights judge explicitly stated the truth doesn’t matter,” Whatcott said.

Online Octavia1

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2018, 11:35:22 am »
Did ya ever see a big diesel engine blow up?
I seen a 2 stroke diesel (10litre)go out control once....  tink an injecter seal was faulty and the engine oil was diluted rapidly an the engine was flooding wit fuel anyway .... Started it up..... An off shee went gettin faster an faster an faster an louder an pullin the throttle won't respond an it's doin 6000, 7000, 8000,  an then the smoke and the screams out of it like the alien wen Ripley fuked the alien out the door an he(she) knew he was bollixed.....
And people start to run away an yu start to shite yur pants........
10000, 12000,
An then it happens...

Well that's the same thing as human evolution.....
It's completely FUKED an out of control
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2018, 12:45:40 pm »
Suddenly the Irish central bank in their quarterly bulletin are saying what we knew for the last 18 months .Brexit and if Donny T does what Donny T said Donny T would do we are FUCKED ...The risk of a sudden negative change in financial market conditions has increased during the first few months of this year, according to the Central Bank.

It says sustainability challenges from high levels of public and private debt, and "structural challenges" to the intermediation capacity of domestic banks are unchanged

In its first Macro-Financial Review of 2018 – a formal overview of risks facing the economy – the Central Bank says these risks are most likely to be triggered by external events, notably a hard Brexit, a trade war or a big change to international corporation tax rules.

Geopolitical tension or financial market disruption could also act as triggers.

It says sovereign bond yields in the Euro area remain low in most countries, but notes the sudden rise in Italian bond yields following political tension surrounding the new government there.

It warns that sovereign debt ratios are still high in most Euro area states, leaving them vulnerable to any change in sentiment or market conditions.

It notes that some €40 billion of Irish sovereign debt is due to mature in the next two-and-a-half years: the price of re-financing this debt could go up if market conditions deteriorate or there is a big economic shock.

Because of this it urges the Government to keep to a prudent fiscal policy, and ensure the public finances stay on a sustainable path.

It says the Irish economy is growing strongly, and has not changed its growth forecast of 4.8% GDP growth this year and 4.2% next year.

The bank also says the internationals economic outlook remains favourable, with most advanced economies undergoing a cyclical upswing.

However, it says in such an upswing investors have a strong risk appetite, and many asset values are high by historical standards.

A high level of borrowing is also a feature of market conditions at present. Such a market is vulnerable to a sudden change in investor sentiment, which could see a fall in asset prices and cause market disruption.

The strong growth in the Irish economy may bring its own risks, notably of overheating. In a labour market approaching full employment levels, there could be upward pressure on wages, skills shortages and infrastructure deficiencies, all of which could threaten competitiveness.

The Central Bank says net lending for mortgages for owner-occupiers turned positive in the third quarter of 2016, while loans for car purchase are a growing share of bank lending to consumers. It says about 80% of home loans are variable rate and vulnerable to interest rate rises.

Overall lending to the private sector turned positive earlier this year for the first time since 2009.

The Central Bank says there is a broadly based increase in lending to the SME sector, and SMEs as a whole are showing signs of improved financial health with declines in debt-to-assets and debt-to-turnover recorded. But the loan default rate among SMEs – at 19% - is higher than for the general corporate sector.

The profitability of Irish banks fell last year by 16%. Stripping out one-off factors, the underlying decline was 6.7%. The Central Banks says it is unclear what effect a rise in interest rates would have on the banks’ profitability, as both their income and expenses would be impacted.

It says the banks are vulnerable to Brexit, especially those with operations in the UK or those with counterparts exposed to the UK.

It warns that, depending on the outcome of Brexit negotiations, there could be in-loan defaults and new lending volumes.

The Central Bank says Brexit could also affect the life insurance market, as adverse economic conditions could affect demand for its products, while the structure of the market could also be affected with British firms having difficulties serving the Irish market.

The fund management sector in Ireland is significant, with assets close to €3.5 trillion at the end of 2017. The biggest share of this sector’s assets are domiciled in the US, whole the biggest share of its liabilities are in the UK.

The Central Bank warns that this sector could act as a transmission mechanism for risks from global financial markets to the Irish economy. A lot of recent construction projects in Ireland have been financed by overseas money using Irish based funds vehicles, and these funds may be vulnerable to sudden changes in market conditions.

The report also notes there has been a moderation in Irish commercial property returns from the high levels of recent years.

HARD TO BELIEVE IT TOOK THEM A YEAR AND A HALF TO REALIZE THE DANGER TO THE ECONOMY Wait till next year when the Irish government has to refinance 40 billion euro of debt and there will be no ECB to buy the bonds at no interest .Time to get a gun .

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2018, 05:02:32 pm »
Did ya ever see a big diesel engine blow up?
I seen a 2 stroke diesel (10litre)go out control once....  tink an injecter seal was faulty and the engine oil was diluted rapidly an the engine was flooding wit fuel anyway .... Started it up..... An off shee went gettin faster an faster an faster an louder an pullin the throttle won't respond an it's doin 6000, 7000, 8000,  an then the smoke and the screams out of it like the alien wen Ripley fuked the alien out the door an he(she) knew he was bollixed.....
And people start to run away an yu start to shite yur pants........
10000, 12000,
An then it happens...

Well that's the same thing as human evolution.....
It's completely FUKED an out of control

Did bits of it fly all over the place or did it just blow seals/freeze plus and such like? Anyone injured?

Online Octavia1

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Re: Donny Doomed
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2018, 05:51:12 pm »
Seen it happen on this particular type engine cupol times ratti.. Scare the shite out ya...... Some times they're a leg ( con rod) out the side the block.... Goin so fast an then seizure.... Big bang...the sump starts filling with diesel then it goes inta the compression chamber an  goes ou control...cause it's not Cummin out the injectors an yur fuked ..
 Actually it's gray crack wen illook back on it...
The particular engine was American banned in america cause immission s
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 05:55:42 pm by Octavia1 »
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant


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