Author Topic: gobdaw clown  (Read 7904 times)

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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gobdaw clown
« on: June 10, 2018, 03:23:39 pm »

CREDIT AND DEBIT card payments should be offered as a mandatory “basic service” to all taxi customers, according to the hotels lobby.

The Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) has called on transport officials to introduce the measure as part of a suite of new rules that it said would bring the taxi industry in line with international best practice.

However one lobby group for taxi businesses has accused hoteliers of unjustified interference in its trade.

In a letter to the National Transport Authority’s director of taxi regulation, Hugh Creegan, IHF chief Tim Fenn highlighted the importance of taxis to the local tourism sector, describing drivers as “ambassadors for their country”.

“The taxi fleet is representative of how the country presents itself through this very public-facing industry,” he said.

Fenn called for the introduction of several new requirements that would improve taxi journeys for both locals and tourists.

Among the IHF’s proposals is the introduction of compulsory credit and debit card payment facilities as part of a “basic service” provided to passengers.

“This is for the convenience of the general public who are moving more to non-cash payment and in particular for overseas visitors who may not have sufficient local currency. This is particularly important for business travellers,” Fenn wrote.

In the letter to Creegan – who also serves as the NTA’s deputy CEO – Fenn said that when a similar rule was introduced in London, “taxi business increased, with much of this being attributed to the added convenience for customers”.

The IHF has also called for the introduction of standardised taxi branding.

It wants to see a standard colour for all cabs and clear signage on each vehicle, including a “new permanent taxi roof sign that is aerodynamic, has a visible green light to display availability, and is inscribed with ‘Taxi’ or ‘Tacsaí’”.

The organisation also wants to see the removal of area stickers – used to identify the county in which drivers are licensed to operate – because they “are not understood by the public” and there are other means to check a cabby’s credentials. Fenn added:

The objective would be to align Ireland with best international standards and practice, to make taxis more recognisable and to improve the quality of the fleet.

The hotels association also suggested that every taxi journey should “end with a printed receipt”.

“At a minimum, the customer should be able to see the receipt printer and have one offered by the operator. Receipts can be very valuable in assisting traceability for lost property or customer feedback.”


However Christy Humphreys of the National Private Hire & Taxi Association questioned why the IHF was “interfering” in taxi regulations when the hotels trade body has a representative on the NTA’s taxi advisory committee on small public-service vehicles.

“I don’t know why the IHF should be interfering with the taxi industry,” he told Fora.

“The taxi industry doesn’t interfere with the hotels industry when it charges customers extra when there’s a concert or event on.”

In response to the IHF’s suggestion that card payment facilities should be obligatory, Humphreys said it would result in extra costs for taxi firms because they cannot apply transaction costs to fares.

He also rejected the suggestion that a lack of card payment facilities means the local sector is not up to scratch by international standards, saying:

I go away to Spain and not every taxi accepts credit or debit card.

Humphreys noted that taxis in Ireland are already required by law to provide receipt printing facilities, and he added that the proposal to introduce a standard colour for vehicles would be unrealistic.

He pointed to a 2012 report from the NTA that said a uniformed taxi fleet was desirable, but it would create “significant additional costs” for businesses.

When asked whether the NTA planned to implement any of the IHF’s proposals, a spokesperson for the transport authority said: “There is a review of the industry currently being conducted by the NTA and the taxi advisory committee and the issues raised by IHF will be considered as part of the review.”


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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 04:03:13 pm »
Christy is right. this crowd should be told to fuck off , and stop interfering in our business. the part about them proposing a greet light to signal availability is laughble, when drivers did that before, Donohoe made them get rid of the light saying it was a signal to people to let them know the driver was Irish.ffs

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 04:23:37 pm »
I had a bloke in the car from the Irsh Hotel Federation on Northbrook road  and he was unaware that hotels are taking bribes from taxi companies to get accounts.

Anyway they could make mandatory and I could still say credit card machine didn't work if I felt like it.Nothing they can do.

Offline vandriver

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 04:41:34 pm »
I think it's incredible that the DAA don't insist on credit card facilities for all the airport taxis.

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2018, 04:48:39 pm »
Wrong thread...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 04:54:28 pm by mercenary for hire »


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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2018, 06:02:39 pm »
When you think about it,this crowd have the fukking cheek to interfere in the running of our industry,while they are taking backhanders from a certain taxi company based in swords to allow its drivers to illegally stand for hire in the carparks of  these hotels .I will be writing to the NTA to point this out.I have written to Fullerton many times about this,but I might as well be pissing against the wind I wonder if mr Fullerton could ALSO be on the payroll of this company,since there seems to be a downright reluctance to do anything  about it

Online watty

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2018, 06:15:03 pm »
I agree with the IHF Hotel guy! Though he should have done it through his rep on the advisory council.  Unless he thinks the council isn't worth a fukk?

Re the single colour...  How about respraying taxis instead of forcing everyone to buy a new one?  The Govt could have a grant scheme and pay the resprayers, say, e2,500 upfront and we'd pay back the Govt (or the NTA) e500/yr for 5/years?  Obviously it would be done on a phased basis.  Scratch that - this heat has me head melted.

a spokesperson for the transport authority said: “There is a review of the industry currently being conducted by the NTA....
This is more interesting.  Anything public about it and what's their remit?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 06:40:59 pm by watty »

john m

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2018, 06:15:30 pm »
Jasus is sitting around with the Jerusalem posse ans somebody starts fucking stones at Mary Magdaline ."Hold fucking on a bleedin minute "Jasus says .Let ye with no sin on your sole cast the first stone .Now in non Biblical English How many of yopu muppetts complaining about credit card machines have a credit card or debit card in your wallet .What use would they be if nobody accepted them .Now fuck off you whinging shower of ^%$%£"£%$%..Now I said it .

Online watty

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2018, 07:27:03 pm »
I agree with you 99.99% but...

A shop has a physical phone line to the CC 'computer' to verify payments.  As we've seen recently, when Visa breaks down, the shops are allowed to put 'cash only' signs on their front doors.

With us, we're relying on our mobile phones to get a connection. (mobile phones not mandatory yet in taxis).  In Dublin, it should be ok most of the time but what about those taxis in the rural areas where the mobile signal might not be so strong?  We're licenced to work nationally so the rules have to be national as well.  FWIW, I've sumup and it's not so good in Heuston station, beside tall buildings and sometimes it just goes slow.  There has to be some mechanism/procedure where we can put 'cash only' signs on our taxis?

And you can bet some clever clogs will work out a 'dead spot' about 80% along the way to his house.  He'll get a taxi there and then lament he only has a card and no cash.  If CC/DC are mandatory, that's your problem, not his!  ::fds

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2018, 11:42:48 pm »
Maybe we should receive subsidies ( Read, STATE AID), in the same way, Hotels do.

Offline Belker

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2018, 05:31:29 am »
As DM states, the cheek of the hotels to be telling us what to do and they as Filthy as Fook themselves.

I know all about hotels because I worked fer a base with many hotel contracts fer many years.

Firstly, the hotel concierge or night porter makes a decent wedge weekly by 'Selling' lucrative long jobs privately to 'Buddy' taxi drivers fer a circa 10% kick-back.

Does anyone know what '+5' means in the hotel trade ?
'+5' was explained to me by a frustrated young female hotel receptionist in the cab one night after a bad experience at her work place.
'+5' means the hotel is fully booked and 5 additional bookings have been taken, in the hope that at least 5 people do not turn up or cancel.
Seemingly every hotel strives to be at '+5' every night, the reason that I know this is because of the amount of jobs that I have done over the years, usually at about midnight bringing late check-in guests to other hotels with the original hotel picking up the tab.

Offline Belker

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2018, 05:46:26 am »
'+5' is Filthy as Fook as the hotel charge the customer a cancellation fee and still get paid fer the room.

The hotel management make the decisions, but it is left to the Chungwan hotel receptionist to deal with the grief.
The frustrated young female hotel receptionist that talked to me told me that they had a set list of lies to tell to the over-booked customers.
Lie 1; "Sorry, there was a water leak in your room'.
Lie 2; "Sorry, there was a disabled/special needs lady in your room and she needs to stay an extra night".

And these Kounts want to tell us what to do ?   ::rant

Offline U Wha

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2018, 11:05:05 am »
I think it's incredible that the DAA don't insist on credit card facilities for all the airport taxis.

They do. Its one of the conditions of holding a permit. But like a another poster commented mobile phone signal not always great. Happened to me a couple of times with sum up at airport. Also what happens if a card declines in the early hours with a drunk passenger.

Copy of email reply from DAA....

Thank you for your email. The following are the requirements which all must be met by the applicant when applying for a new permit;


 1. Credit card facility available at all times in the vehicle


  2. Vehicle type is Multi Seater/5 upwards / wheelchair accessible


3. Full annual taxi permit fee paid in advance


4. All operators applying for a permit to operate at Dublin Airport must


(a) hold a valid public service vehicle licence issued by the National Transport Authority;

(b) be compliant with National Transport Authority regulations; and

(c) acknowledge and confirm that he/she will be compliant with the Airport Bye-Laws 2014 regarding the operation of a taxi at all times.


 It is important to note that all the above criteria must be met in order to be considered as eligible to apply for a permit.


If all the criteria as set out above are met please provide your plate number, name and day time contact number and copy of your SPSV licence for the vehicle and we will be in contact in due course.




daa Taxi Administration Office


Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2018, 11:25:00 am »
See that 5 seater requirement....does it have to be a wheely too? Looks like they'll accept one or the other the way it's written. Prius plus is a 6 seater on some models. Might be handy to know.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 11:32:03 am by mercenary for hire »

Offline vandriver

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Re: gobdaw clown
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2018, 11:26:31 am »
That's for NEW taxi permits. Not for the hundreds of old timers.


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