Author Topic: tic,TIC Tic  (Read 8417 times)

john m

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tic,TIC Tic
« on: July 14, 2018, 07:53:59 am »
Is my worst nightmare going to happen .I predicted that Brexit will be a mess there WILL be a Hard Border in Ireland even though the Gay Foreigner guarenteed us there would not .Young people in Derry have been getting the hang of using petrol bomba and even Adams and his buddies are having bombs thrown at them.If the border returns then so do the Republican Army only this time its not only the Brits who are the enemy ,the Irish government who allowed the border go back up and the EU who will insist on it will all be targets for retribution .If this kicks off again you can see young Euro Anarchists who dislike the EU coming to Ireland to help the struggle and the Islamic State funding it or supplying weapons as there is nothing more they would like than to see a European Government overtrown .The Silence of the Gay Foreigner and the rest of Irish Politicians on what is now over a week of violence in Derry tells you they dont know or they dont care .Dissident Republicans are ready to go as soon as the Gay Foreigner tells them that Brexit means Brexit and that the EU INSIST on a hard border in Ireland to protect the integrity of the EU .We are entering really dangerous times and not one Irish Politician has opened their mouth .Wait till Leo has to swap his Hot Pants and vest for a Flack Jacket and combats .If he allows a Hard Border on the Island of Ireland he will be seen as a Traitor by many and a target by some .the biggest sufferers from Brexit will be Britain but Ireland will get the bollox knocked out of it by the shockwave .

  Watch the cute Whores in FF trying to keep FG in power until after next March when Brexit hits so they can point at the Gay Foreigner and say .Where is your bullett proof backstop now . ::rant ::rant ::rant ::rant

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2018, 08:23:50 am »
If only Gareth Southgate, the Entire British Public and Media knew that you 'John M' had Engerland in the Forum Buster !!

john m

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2018, 08:48:06 am »
The football was a great insight into the Gingoism of the English its the same with Brexit they think the Empire /Commonwealth is comming home .Im putting coin in a jar for a newer motor Brexit willdestroy the £ might even go pound for euro for a short while .That will be the time to buy .I hope Im wrong but Peace never broke out in the north Jobs did and the economy improved .When the young people up north have no jobs and no Hope the violence will begin again .The Republican remainers will blame the Loyalist Brexiteers .The real danger for rhe South is Memory we will be commerating the Civil War soon and the question will be asked how far have we come in 100 years and the answer is we havent moved .FG or Collinses party are still trying to appease the British Ff dont know what they want and SF dont have the stomach for the fight .Irish Civil War was less than 100 years ago Spanish Civil War was the same When you see members allegedly  the IRA army council being attacked in their homes by Dissidents its time to sit up and take note .SF now lead by a middle class Dublin Housewife has lost its edge and to quote Larry Dunne if you think we were bad watch whats comming up behind us .A handfull of Little Englanders like Borris,Rees Mogg ,Farage have put this country in great danger .


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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2018, 09:51:32 am »
Brexit cannot happen fast enough for me.I cannot wait for the day the EUis brought to its knees,and Ireland gets back to being Ireland again

john m

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2018, 10:24:06 am »
Brexit cannot happen fast enough for me.I cannot wait for the day the EUis brought to its knees,and Ireland gets back to being Ireland again

Ireland is not a country  .We are a poivince of somewhere else .First Britain now the EU without the EU to allow us to fiddle tax and operate as a gateway for other countries into europe we would be no
better than any other post calonial island .You have soime romantic version of Ireland in your head Dollymount that never existed .We are a country that celebrates mediocrity the Ah sure thats Grand nation .As soon as the Brits left we sold children locked up single mothers had more lunatic assylums per head than any other country .Look around your living room what is in it that was made in Ireland ?we only make sandwitches and shite .With the exception of racehorses everything else we do is second rate .If it wasent for the EU we would still be eating boiled spuds and pigs feet and listening to the Wolftones singing the Boiled Spuds Songs

 29th of March next year and the UK go without a Brexit deal .This country will get knocked on its arse backto the 70s .i posted this before .TIME TO GET A GUN .I read a report by the ESRI where they say Brexit will reduce our GDP by .5 of a % thats bollox snowey weather could do that the realfigure is 3% and the effect that will have on jobs and tax take will as I said knock us back to the 70 s with income tax up to 33% on basic incomes and 50%+ for higher earners .Pension age up to 70 .The Gay Foreigner thinks the rest of the world owe us but even the Republican SF Party are pro the EU as they know without Europe we are only a big stone in the puddle that lies to the West of Europe .Dont think a lot of Irish people really appreciate the damage to our way of living that a Hard Brexit will cause .I have a mate who assembles piston units for a French Company employs two othres and he has been told the French will not accept his units after Brexit as the pistons he uses have the Kite Mark BSS standard and that wont be accepted in Europe after brexit .The problem with Brexit was a few Horray Henries convinced the unemployable that they would be better off unemployed in post brexit Britain that in the EU .A fact that never gets mentioned is the areas of the UK with the highest amount of unemployables were the areas that voted most to leave .The Jeremy Kyle generation of waster wants to remain wasters so voted to leave .If Brexit does happen Dollymount watch all the Irish Dairy Farmers who borrowed millions to get into the new dereg milk market as they take their own lives or millions of acres of Irish farmland is bought up by China
« Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 10:32:43 am by john m »

Offline Octavia1

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2018, 10:57:50 am »
Time to get a gun or a rope?
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2018, 11:11:50 am »
Time to get a gun or a rope?

Irish Farm Center are organizing `community outreach for farmers to discuss Brexit .Think Tessy May might get the chop this week .The Tories need to get out of power and let Labour take the blame for the mess .Sometimes you need to read between the lines a lot of the big vulture funds are selling off their office blocks in Dublin .If they thought the demand for office space was going to increase they wouldnt be selling yet.

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2018, 12:04:15 pm »
The London based financials still coming here ain't they john?
Anyway I always think disaster brings new opportunities an that's the way the world works...
.. Slash and burn....
Did yu see all the new heritage sites shown up all over Europe because of the drought brought on by us drivin all day in diesel shiteheaps ?
A man cud make a fortune with a drone, a
Metal detector,and a shovel.....
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2018, 12:12:29 pm »
Most of the Big Financials will keep their workers in London just open a Brass Plate enterprize in Mainland or here for Passporting funds .Still by the time the Irish government are finished taxing them we will probably owe them money . lol lol lol.If you have a metal detector you need to go to the beach when the tide is out loads of people lose rings as their fingers shrink in water .


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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2018, 01:15:49 pm »
Whats wrong with listening to the Wolfetones John ?
on a serious note.can the powers that be not see the one fundamental problem that exist throighout Europe,THE FREE MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE. ?I am always amazed that the unelected bureaucrats in Europe cannot see the unrest this is causing in the bloc .Italy,the UK,Greece,France,Austria,Hungary,Poland etc etc all these countries ,and more,now have far right ,anti immigration ,partys because of the insistance of the EU on the free movement.if they were to concede on this and put a stop to illegal migration ,most of the eurosceptism would disapear over night

john m

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2018, 01:32:19 pm »
Whats wrong with listening to the Wolfetones John ?
on a serious note.can the powers that be not see the one fundamental problem that exist throighout Europe,THE FREE MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE. ?I am always amazed that the unelected bureaucrats in Europe cannot see the unrest this is causing in the bloc .Italy,the UK,Greece,France,Austria,Hungary,Poland etc etc all these countries ,and more,now have far right ,anti immigration ,partys because of the insistance of the EU on the free movement.if they were to concede on this and put a stop to illegal migration ,most of the eurosceptism would disapear over night

Its simple the EU is about the power of money .As Christians we believe we are put on earth to breed more people to adore God .But Governments believe we are put on earth to consume .Its all about what can be sold and bought .120 people blown up today in Pakistan no big outcry as they dont have money to buy stuff but if it was  money owners that dies the world would be up in arms the UN would condemn the fuck out of it .In Ireland as in every other European country  the governments want spenders so we import them .A new born kid costs the country money with childrens allowance school maternity leave and tax credits where a 20 year old import starts work straight away and can buy stuff .Its really that simple Europe is an Economy not a Society .To help us not to have children they legalized abortion and Gay Marrage .The Far right would fight over how you should boil an egg they dont really care .Trump is anti migrant but is fucking a foreigner ,Farage is married to a foreigner Borris Johnston isint British he is American Born .Bottom line Dollymount learn the rules and get your share its a different game now multiculturism is the way forward it cant be stopped .

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2018, 02:40:26 pm »
It mightn't be as bad as you think.


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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2018, 03:22:08 pm »
You say it cant be stopped ? Well a news report yesterday said if Austria close its southern border (which is likely since its an anti inmigrant government ) this will have huge inplications for the free movement of people,and could well spell the end of illegal migration


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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2018, 03:29:10 pm »
I was just looking at the gobshites protesting in the UK intreged about why the support illegal migration,and claim its racist.every time you open your fukking mouth these days your accused of even sick to death of that fukking word.another thing I can never understand is why Donald is constantly witch hunted because of his policy of America that not his job to put America first.I would Varuka to put Ireland first

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Re: tic,TIC Tic
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2018, 03:35:57 pm »
Being thick as shit doesn't help his cause. Neither does the fact that he only won office through the college system, having lost the democratic vote of the people.


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