Author Topic: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers  (Read 66125 times)

Offline Belker

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #120 on: August 23, 2018, 12:45:06 am »
To repeat;
What is your current status IrishTim ?
Are you driving a Joe or a Limo ?
And how many Wheelie plates have you out on rental ?

P.S. Did you get the Army deafness compo money ?

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #121 on: August 23, 2018, 07:10:41 am »
FFS does it matter who he is .This forum is for entertainment and if you need a bit of info we will try to help .Told Korky once the reason I post here is so we can talk to non existing people as its cyberspace we wouldnt recognize each other if we were standing in a lane taking a piss togeather but it stops us talking to the man in the mirror or muttering to ourselves .

That's about the most coherent thing you've ever said. So, to expand on know who he is/they are..problem arises when someone else is getting for not knowing anyone....why would you want to? The cliques are of old, need for Columbo...Clouseau will suffice. Timmy knew someone wasn't around to keep him in check.....I smell a big ball of faecal matter.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #122 on: August 23, 2018, 07:18:11 am »
A vpn would probably hide your identity so you could act the bollix online. Personally I dont see the point in holding multiple accounts. Its a lot of work for one man. Would ya be arsed?

As pudding bender once quipped,,,why bother? ;)

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #123 on: August 23, 2018, 07:41:33 am »
Occy dont take this wrong and think I mean Boy Love but im beginning to like you ...a lot  yippee yippee yippee yippee

all I can say is  johnny ..... At twenty stone....
 yu ain't fukin gettin on top   ;D
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #124 on: August 23, 2018, 07:56:32 am »
Not makin any friends on here timmy boy now are ya?
Callin everybody names an talkin load shite....

Now yur a fukin psychiatrist.....
Wud yu ever go an fuck off tellin everyone yur a success... An intelligent..... Yu sound like one fucked up nut case to me...
Go an ask me Bollix

FFS, Octy. It's not often we get intellectuals on here, don't be scaring them away.

Intellect, intelligence and common sense can be very different things, I guess. Tim is clearly a highly intelligent man yet left the army without a pension or a SPSV licence and struggled to pass a test on his county of birth... everything is relative.,

Met his type before ratti...heres a bit free psychology for him... ..

Was never goin be good enough for daddy..
. Over compensates by tellin everyone he's a genius and puttin labels on everyone else... Zero  introspection... Hopeless failure, socially retarded, talkin a load o gick........
He's more than once called people names on here.....
 I don't fukin like bullies.....
My point about autism was.... That everyone to me except cunts like yer man... Has value.... One me best mates has down syndrome.... He's like a fukin Wikipedia knows fukin everything... Photographic memory and seriously one of the funniest blokes I ever met......
He won't be teacheach.... But who gives a fuk......
If yur life revolves around yur on self importance an tellin the world yur a genius and better than others.... Then yur a  fuked
Up waste of good food..... Deep insecurity.... Can smell these cunts a mile off.... They're 2 a penny....
Give me a bloke who talks about his failures not his success any day the fukin week.....
Iq tests can be practiced btw.... There's cunts studying them all the time to impress the world.... Lost cunts they are....
I've said here before I've lost it all and had to build it up again... I even had a nice lotto win to get me on me way.... I went from millionaire to homeless in a couple years.... And I wouldn't swop the past for anything..... I learned how to live..... Money wasn't important anymore..... Now me friends are musicians, artists, and even my
Friend I mentioned.... I've learned how to live.......
I cudn give two flyin fuks how much is in yur bank account or how many plates ya allegedly have......
Are you genuine is all that counts
Don't be puttin names on anybody here
Fuk off....
My question was    define intelligence...?????????
Btw way timmy boy
Albert Einstein is believed to have what yu call adhd...

You'll learn

Hey Octy,

I appreciate your free psychoanalytic evaluation, I really do but can we get it once again but this time in English, please?
I know I'm a genius but I haven't gotten around to learning full on illiterate gibberish just yet, good man.
.. I read you like a fukin book all the same timmy boy ,,, didn't I....
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #125 on: August 23, 2018, 01:05:48 pm »
Think the intention is to blame someone alright....stool pigeons inserted themselves earlier on...Rats has a total handle on ip's here...multiple people can post as one if that gobshite shares his password....

I don't actually pay any attention to IPs. I can only see them if logged on as Admin, something I rarely do - generally only to delete spam accounts or modify the very occasional post on foot of complaints. IP monitoring isn't very effective. Most of us have dynamic IPs hence all you have to do is switch your modem off and on again to change it and mobile networks generally report the same IP for every user. However, we don't have very many contributors and most of them know each other. I guess there will always be suspicion where contributions from lesser known contributors are concerned.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #126 on: August 24, 2018, 11:33:11 am »
Roger that...maybe John M is right.............who cares.

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #127 on: August 24, 2018, 12:39:06 pm »
I guess there's a first time for everything.

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #128 on: August 24, 2018, 01:35:41 pm »
Today's bot output - only a few % of the full scan run, no MPO scan (that usually runs of a Monday) so a very small sample... but 100% of new drivers found appear to be sub-continental immigrants, even Simon!

L9270   17/06/2023   ADETUNJI OLUWOLE ADESEMOWO      
L9350   23/07/2023   WAHEED MUGHAL      
L9407   09/07/2023   MUHAMMAD RAFEY AFZAL      
L9416   16/07/2023   SYED IMRAN ZUBAIR      
L9419   16/07/2023   MIDRAR MUHAMMAD      
L9428   16/07/2023   NARINJAN SINGH      
L9467   16/07/2023   AZIZ UR REHMAN YOUSAF      
M1161   25/06/2023   SIMON THOMAS

Offline SClass

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #129 on: August 24, 2018, 06:13:50 pm »
Today's bot output - only a few % of the full scan run, no MPO scan (that usually runs of a Monday) so a very small sample... but 100% of new drivers found appear to be sub-continental immigrants, even Simon!

L9270   17/06/2023   ADETUNJI OLUWOLE ADESEMOWO      
L9350   23/07/2023   WAHEED MUGHAL      
L9407   09/07/2023   MUHAMMAD RAFEY AFZAL      
L9416   16/07/2023   SYED IMRAN ZUBAIR      
L9419   16/07/2023   MIDRAR MUHAMMAD      
L9428   16/07/2023   NARINJAN SINGH      
L9467   16/07/2023   AZIZ UR REHMAN YOUSAF      
M1161   25/06/2023   SIMON THOMAS

For fuck sake reading the names
Think it is Mogadishu we are in,
Who would have thought the Dublin taxi game has come to this,
Won't be long we'll be wiped out.
Welcome to Dublin, allahu Akbar.

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #130 on: August 24, 2018, 08:28:54 pm »
Most new entrants are Pakistani.
Good luck to them.

Offline SClass

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #131 on: August 24, 2018, 11:48:59 pm »
Most new entrants are Pakistani.
Good luck to them.

Yeah there's only a 193.2 million of them in Pakistan,
By the time they repatriate the extended family over here,
we'll have our own little Bradford over here in no time.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #132 on: August 25, 2018, 06:41:14 am »
Looking forward to it. Always fancied learning Urdu.

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #133 on: August 25, 2018, 07:02:29 am »
All them L badges are here a few years already. They've been giving out M badges for at least 3 years now.

Unless they've started to give out L badges after M for some reason.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 07:17:19 am by mercenary for hire »

Offline SClass

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #134 on: August 25, 2018, 09:18:20 am »
Looking forward to it. Always fancied learning Urdu.

You talk a lot of Urdu already.


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