Author Topic: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers  (Read 66135 times)

Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2018, 07:31:27 pm »
Think he's getting too stressed and not thinking. Just heard suitability failed, no CE mark on Hi Viz jacket, and med kit out of date. 1st retest 11am Monday.
"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"


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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2018, 09:05:34 pm »
This business of having to carry a safety kit,and fire extinguisher is a fukking joke. Just another money making racket

john m

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2018, 09:10:19 pm »
Think he's getting too stressed and not thinking. Just heard suitability failed, no CE mark on Hi Viz jacket, and med kit out of date. 1st retest 11am Monday.


Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2018, 09:51:37 pm »
Think he's getting too stressed and not thinking. Just heard suitability failed, no CE mark on Hi Viz jacket, and med kit out of date. 1st retest 11am Monday.

"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2018, 10:35:06 pm »
Think he's getting too stressed and not thinking. Just heard suitability failed, no CE mark on Hi Viz jacket, and med kit out of date. 1st retest 11am Monday.
He can have my safety kit.

Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2018, 10:43:14 pm »
In the 100k taxis that we have in the country, has anyone ever heard of anyone using the med kit in the course of their work, and did that usage justify all the hassles associated with same for driver and inspector alike? What difference does a CE mark make to Hi Viz?. Are these visual fails, i.e no 2nd fee?
"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"


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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2018, 10:49:46 pm »
Money making racket

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2018, 11:10:31 pm »
In the 100k taxis that we have in the country, has anyone ever heard of anyone using the med kit in the course of their work, and did that usage justify all the hassles associated with same for driver and inspector alike? What difference does a CE mark make to Hi Viz?. Are these visual fails, i.e no 2nd fee?
Again, sanity should prevail.
There's a lesser charge for a re-test.

Offline IrishTim1

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2018, 11:30:07 pm »
Here is an interesting question some of you might have a theory on ? Every other day on the news,there are boat loads of migrants heading for come they are ALL young men in their 20s ?
Simple In most of the countries they come from you can have a tribe of wives if you got the Bronz most of these young fellas couldnt afford a box of Cadburys Roses and two tickets to the Pictures they come from religious backward kips just like Ireland was in the 40s 50s 60s and just like the Irish in Cricklewood or Boston they Clan togeather until they realize they are free to do what they like .Wont take long before you see Mo and Ish hanging around Paddy Powers or the George

  .The Foreigner who comes in here to drive a taxi is a loser he presents no danger to you or me he is one of us a worker living from paypacket to paypacket but we focus our anger on him while the Liberal left and the middle classes driven on by the extreme right go about their business .The biggest danger to us all is EDUCATION .Your Labour party or your Profit From The People Crowd joined by SF/FF/FG.Social democrats all shout about underfunding in education .Mary from the Flats gets voted into the Senate as a Senator representing the illiterate educated upwardly mobile kid who would of never gotten the chance if it wasent for FREE third Level education .Now whats really happening with free third level education is the wealthy families who would of sent their kids to University anyway and paid for it are now getting it subsidised .Bottom line The upwardly mobile Middle Class remain upwardly mobile and the Working class remain working class but a little better educated .

The danger now comes from education .Like Nazism where there was a super human blond blue eyed Male the Ubermensch who stood out as superior from others now we have the University Educated Ubermensch It starts from what 2nd level college you attended to which Uni and did you go on to Smurfit of Oxbridge .Read any of the on line job requirements most of them require a degree just to be a stock controller (shelf Stacker)The well educated well connected Unermensch will continue to get the good jobs then there  are the Underfurers only  Educated dummies will get any sort of reasonable employment while the Poor are still the poor but we no longer decide if your poor based on coin in your pocket but what degree you have and who you know .

  This country wont be lost to a few immigrants it will be stolen from under our eyes by a few clever cunts while we keep fighting the wrong enemy Your anger is focused on all the wrong people

I've seen you post on these subjects a few times and it's always the same oul dribble parroted from the cultural Marxist standpoint which never stands up to even the slightest scrutiny.

Based on your false perceptions I take it you have never actually been to Africa or the Middle East, therefore, your opinions are based on nothing other than what you've been told to believe by the globalist owned media and what you "feel"

The African culture and worldview/social norms are not the same as western culture, they are not in any way comparable, the worldview of an African or someone from Pakistan or the Middle East is so far removed from what we in the west would consider normal that you would struggle to comprehend it.

There is also no comparison between Irish emigrants to the USA or the UK and the current invasion of Europe my young military-aged men by the hundreds of thousands every few months 90% of whom are illiterate in their own language never mind English and with no skills or education that would give them any hope of employment in a modern economy like Europe...therefore they are destined to become a burden on taxpayers for most of their lives. Your comparisons are not based on logic or likeness, therefore, they are logical fallacies and hold no weight in any discussion.

There was no welfare state in the USA when the first waves of Irish immigrants went there LEGALLY, the same applies to London and Australia....not that the UK can be considered foreign for the purpose of welfare or work when you consider your grandmother would be entitled to claim a British passport if she's alive (Ireland Act 1949)

As for your waffle about third level education, anybody who wants to get an education in this country can get it at any level if they have the ability.
I left school at 14 with no formal education, not even the junior cert, I was born and raised in Coolock when it was bad through the 80's and 90's, I went off the rails a bit due to my own ignorance and lack of direction from my parents who themselves had no education or direction, it's a repetitive cycle if you let it.

I managed to get myself into UCD to study business which is the highest ranked business school in Ireland this despite not having any formal education at all! I did 3 years passing every module but didn't finish the course because I'm more entrepreneurial in nature and realised that I'm not cut out for 30 years working in an office so please don't tell me there are any barriers to education these days in Ireland because there aren't and I'm proof of it.

We are all where we are in life as a direct consequence of our own actions, nobody owes anyone a damn thing in this life, the state doesn't owe you anything, the taxpayers don't owe you anything nor do your friends or family, it all comes down to you! The good news is that taking action can also give you whatever you want, if you know what you want and take action most of the time you'll get it.

PS, most degrees these days are absolutely useless unless they are in the STEM fields, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths.
Liberal arts degrees are not worth a fuck and everyone knows it.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 11:42:06 pm by IrishTim1 »

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2018, 02:35:08 am »
In the 100k taxis that we have in the country, has anyone ever heard of anyone using the med kit in the course of their work, and did that usage justify all the hassles associated with same for driver and inspector alike? What difference does a CE mark make to Hi Viz?. Are these visual fails, i.e no 2nd fee?

The plasters are great for the kids and the scissors is safe for them cuttin out paper
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2018, 08:12:28 am »
I've two out of date ones around the house and one in date one that I keep in the shed for suitability.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2018, 08:24:05 am »
That poster is rated as fake news or 'Pants on Fire' as the website categorises them...

The guy making the allegations was an Uber driver when he killed himself!

Most everything on the net is fake, Watty....then again most everything you read in history books at school is too....according to them WW1 started because Gavrilo Princip shot Franz Ferdinand....

john m

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2018, 09:10:51 am »
@ Tim 1 Seriously if you completed 2 years of a Business Degree go back and finish it ,You say your an Entrepreneur IN THE TAXI BUSINESS FFS I would love to see your business plan .No fixed overheads as you have no control over input costs .Fuel is fluctuating in price insurance is a bigger secret that any known to only members of the Magic Circle .Government can control what class of vehicle you operate .It is easier now to enter the Taxi industry than it ever has been A Subsidized 5 yea old Wheelchair adapted vehicle and 125 for a licence .Although you struggle to pass the entry exam it is simple took me all of 8 minutes to get a psv and unfortunatly I couldnt beat that time when I got 97% correct in the Certified driver test some years ago ..In all seriousness Tim go back and finish your degree .Taxi driving is not a viable job .Although we refer to the taxi industry as deregulated it is one of the most regulated ,from the vehicle you drive to where you can drive to what equipment you need to carry all regulated and the fare you can charge for the service is regulated.

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2018, 07:34:27 pm »
@ Tim 1 Seriously if you completed 2 years of a Business Degree go back and finish it ,You say your an Entrepreneur IN THE TAXI BUSINESS FFS I would love to see your business plan .No fixed overheads as you have no control over input costs .Fuel is fluctuating in price insurance is a bigger secret that any known to only members of the Magic Circle .Government can control what class of vehicle you operate .It is easier now to enter the Taxi industry than it ever has been A Subsidized 5 yea old Wheelchair adapted vehicle and 125 for a licence .Although you struggle to pass the entry exam it is simple took me all of 8 minutes to get a psv and unfortunatly I couldnt beat that time when I got 97% correct in the Certified driver test some years ago ..In all seriousness Tim go back and finish your degree .Taxi driving is not a viable job .Although we refer to the taxi industry as deregulated it is one of the most regulated ,from the vehicle you drive to where you can drive to what equipment you need to carry all regulated and the fare you can charge for the service is regulated.
It's Light Touch Regulation.
The quantitative element is controlled by the NTA quango via the Wheelchair Vehicle licence.

Any Barrister worth his salt could argue that his client has the capability of making a living via a saloon licence, and being a free market is entitled to one.
A coach and six could be driven through the wheelchair barrier, but then we'd be swamped like we were in 2000.

Offline Belker

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Re: Crackdown on illegal immigrant taxi drivers
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2018, 10:09:59 am »
In the 100k taxis that we have in the country, has anyone ever heard of anyone using the med kit in the course of their work, and did that usage justify all the hassles associated with same for driver and inspector alike? What difference does a CE mark make to Hi Viz?. Are these visual fails, i.e no 2nd fee?

They are both visual re-tests Harry, but I think there is a lesser fee rather than no fee.
The Hi-vis will cost him a Fiver and the First aid kit a score + the re-test fee.
He should be all done fer a Nifty.

P.S. Only about 25K taxies in Eire.


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