Author Topic: Flag app update  (Read 19520 times)

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2019, 10:25:07 am »
You may understand that most of these apps, air bb, uber eat, uber, tinder, find a ride, etcetera etcetera.  Are foreign owned....
The Americans,Russians, Chinese,  French, German are actually at war....
Most irish citizens are ignorant of the fact that world war 3 is going on all around them..... Facebook bought a row of houses not far from me recently.... Now I imagine in order to do that they went in with a blank cheque, meanwhile my nieces who are in very well paid professional jobs are in despair the property ladder has been shut off from them and they will have to live with their parents unless a miracle happens. The American investors came here circa 2011 and bought shares in bank of Ireland effectively took control of the Irish banks... At rock bottom priced and sold them a couple of years later for 100 s millions in profit,  meanwhile the Irish taxpayers bailed out the banks to the tune of 200 billion...
The foreigner bought land, apartment blocks, housing estates, hotels,  for fukin buttons... The Irish fianna gowl traiters sold property to the foreigner through nama to vultures funds banks who are now evicting Irish families to live in the fuking Park... Vulture funds banks who  pay less tax as a company than I do as an individual...
The fianna gowl traiters triad to argue that it was OK for the Facebook, Google vultures funds etcetera etcetera.. To operate and not pay anything tax  to Ireland
We have a foreign company who have control over our taxi industry and who is so fukin cock sure he has openly declared that they are there to replace you wit robots....
Now for  once we have an Irish company
.( as far as I know)
Why would you not even consider that?
The mind boggles
« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 10:32:12 am by Octavia1 »
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Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2019, 10:45:06 am »
Now for  once we have an Irish company
.( as far as I know)
Why would you not even consider that?
The mind boggles

I agree Octy....but as i said...once bitten,
One of the lads involved(Dave Knox) was one of the three amigos in Hailo...and that for me is probably one the stumbling blocks to not using it,i didn't have any dealings with him but some drivers did and apparently not all pleasant....i reckon if FLAG did get a decent market share the Germans would come knocking with their cheque book.

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2019, 10:56:55 am »
Now for  once we have an Irish company
.( as far as I know)
Why would you not even consider that?
The mind boggles

I agree Octy....but as i said...once bitten,
One of the lads involved(Dave Knox) was one of the three amigos in Hailo...and that for me is probably one the stumbling blocks to not using it,i didn't have any dealings with him but some drivers did and apparently not all pleasant....i reckon if FLAG did get a decent market share the Germans would come knocking with their cheque book.

Yes we all learnin shall....the other fellow in hailo never realised how close he was to getting the shite kicked out of him once....
I swear to God I don't know how I walked out and didn't kill the cnut....
But I was sittin havin  tea wit me ex mot there at Christmas.... An I don't know how many times I planned her murder  ::fight
But I'll do it for the kids or in our case the greater good...
I'm sure he's learned alot as we all do
Another thing.... Your basing your decision on hearsay..... Go and find out for yourself
« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 11:00:05 am by Octavia1 »
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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2019, 10:59:27 am »
I wonder who the new flag investor is,could be anyone.Could be someone we already don't like.

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2019, 11:46:53 am »
You must be part time scum like me, I done a 39 hour week last week for the first time in years and mytaxi charged me over €140 in freight. I only had priority after 8p.m. Saturday and for the 6 hours I worked on Sunday and I don't cover "hospitality" jobs. Back when I worked for C2K we could work as many hours as we wanted for €80/90 freight with no discounts and all bribes to hotels/pubs/car hire return sheds/etc included... imagine what ambassadors with priority are paying, particularly the ones who pay hospitality fees - mytaxi have at least doubled the freight for full time scum.

john m

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2019, 11:59:48 am »
Here is a different approach .The Minister in the review said he wants all taxies aligned with a dispatch .Now that is what is known as Government policy and IT WILL HAPPEN probably in time have to state which company you are aligned to as part of suitability .Most drivers do not want to be aligned because they think the tax man will get them ,if the tax man wanted you then reading the meter would be part of the Suitability .

 If we had clever people in charge of this industry then this is what would happen .We would go direct to the Minister and say ."Sir your policy of drivers being aligned to dispatchers has a major flaw ,that is you have failed to provide the dispatch service and by doing so you are forcing drivers to sign up with dispatchers that incur costs of on average 12% .Will the taxi Regulator or the Department of Transport be providing this digital booking service or is the plan to increase fares by the average commission rate to offset the costs of alignment to drivers .

 The bottom line here is simple the cost to you of covering work which is legally destined for you (taxi fares ) is on average 12% this is extortion or ransom which ever way you look at it .Already taxi fares are being dispatched to non taxi vehicles .You complained that traditional dispatchers had Golden Boys who got the good work .What do you think ambassadors are .You cover the shite to build the brand so the chosen few get the cream .

 The tech exists for the Government to operate a taxi dispatch app and make sure WATs are covering WAT work and that drivers only operate in areas for which they hold a licence a small increase in the Suitability would cover the cost .I dont know of any other licenced industry who is effectivly being asked to jion a trade organisation (Dispatcher )and is required to pay 12% of their before costs earnings which in reality is equal to about 20% of your profit .

 If you want a dispatch app then get the state to provide one they already provide one for busses .

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2019, 12:35:15 pm »
Here is a different approach .The Minister in the review said he wants all taxies aligned with a dispatch .Now that is what is known as Government policy and IT WILL HAPPEN probably in time have to state which company you are aligned to as part of suitability .Most drivers do not want to be aligned because they think the tax man will get them ,if the tax man wanted you then reading the meter would be part of the Suitability .

 If we had clever people in charge of this industry then this is what would happen .We would go direct to the Minister and say ."Sir your policy of drivers being aligned to dispatchers has a major flaw ,that is you have failed to provide the dispatch service and by doing so you are forcing drivers to sign up with dispatchers that incur costs of on average 12% .Will the taxi Regulator or the Department of Transport be providing this digital booking service or is the plan to increase fares by the average commission rate to offset the costs of alignment to drivers .

 The bottom line here is simple the cost to you of covering work which is legally destined for you (taxi fares ) is on average 12% this is extortion or ransom which ever way you look at it .Already taxi fares are being dispatched to non taxi vehicles .You complained that traditional dispatchers had Golden Boys who got the good work .What do you think ambassadors are .You cover the shite to build the brand so the chosen few get the cream .

 The tech exists for the Government to operate a taxi dispatch app and make sure WATs are covering WAT work and that drivers only operate in areas for which they hold a licence a small increase in the Suitability would cover the cost .I dont know of any other licenced industry who is effectivly being asked to jion a trade organisation (Dispatcher )and is required to pay 12% of their before costs earnings which in reality is equal to about 20% of your profit .

 If you want a dispatch app then get the state to provide one they already provide one for busses .

Yes the government should be providing an app for taxi hail  ........ But we don't have a functioning government....
and if them ambassador or Watever think that mytaxi can hide their earnings..... Then they in for a big surprise...
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Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2019, 01:06:08 pm »
I wouldn't want any government supplied taxi app....cos you know it would be fuked up....probably cost €5 billion....and taxi drivers would be on the hook for it....and no doubt compulsory to sign up.....i'll say careful what you wish for!!

john m

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2019, 01:19:08 pm »
I wouldn't want any government supplied taxi app....cos you know it would be fuked up....probably cost €5 billion....and taxi drivers would be on the hook for it....and no doubt compulsory to sign up.....i'll say careful what you wish for!!

Hal government policy is they want ALL drivers aligned if thats the policy let them provide it if you paid tax on every cent you earned it would be less than the commission you pay an app .

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2019, 01:21:57 pm »
You're still not selling it to me's a piss poor PowerPoint presentation!!  lol

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2019, 01:24:14 pm »
That ship has sailed, erm. Govt won't provide something that already exists. I was a proponent of Govt providing the eHail infrastructure way back before we gave Hail0/mytaxi control of our work, alas I was a lone voice of reason... the Unions were busy lining their own pockets with revenue from the commercial app firms.

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2019, 01:32:09 pm »
the Unions were busy lining their own pockets with revenue from the commercial app firms.

Of course they were,it's where the real money was....they had dwindling membership numbers,

This or any previous government are/were incapable of providing any value for money can't even get a taxi passed out in a one stop shop...cos they apparently streamlined that...ffs!!

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #57 on: February 08, 2019, 01:36:18 pm »
Still, it's better than when we had to go to up above to Dublin to get the licence from the city council every year, at least we only have to go as far as Ballymun now and don't have to feed parking meters and walk and climb stairs and all that shite.

Reminds me, I have to delve back into the streamlined process on the 25th to get my meter sealed... over a month after the car was licensed.


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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2019, 01:59:32 pm »
None of you STILL get can have all the apps,and dispatchers you like,but without drivers every single one of them grind to a halt .please will someone explain WHY THE FUKK DO YOU WANT TO GIVE THEM POWER OVER YOU,AND WHY DO YOU ALLOW THEM TO TREAT YOU LIKE EMPLOYEES ? will somebody please explain this

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Flag app update
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2019, 02:05:28 pm »
They have the work, DM. If I decided not to work for mytaxi I'd have to start working the official ranks up above in Dublin city centre. I don't like working in the city or queuing on ranks or turning up at a rank to find there's no space.... and even if I did that it wouldn't take mytaxi long to replace me with an immigrant driving a clapped out shitebox masquerading as a limousine, like what they sent Mrs. Bullet a while back when she eHailed a TAXI.


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