Author Topic: This fucking job can break you  (Read 9917 times)

john m

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This fucking job can break you
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:50:43 pm »
Sitting at home waiting to start for 8 I see a prebook offering Priority near my house for 6.30 I take it Lucan to RDS in traffic 37 plus tip good start drop off then straight away AIB to Swords 40  I drive back go into the Bookies beside the airport to have a few notes on Dublin @10/11 -3 points to beat Mayo  I pick up a lad going to Loughlinstown he has a few pints on board he was refused on the flight to Italy .I get to Loughlinstown and he only has a pocket full of losing bookies dockets no cash .He just had a day from hell missed the flight to a stags lost all his bronze in the bookie then fucked up my night owed me 74 yoyo no cash so I had to visit the Gards in Shankill .Im back home pissed off what started like a bumper night just turned to shite .

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2018, 02:32:13 am »
I'd say one would meet all sorts of magistrates, scholars, squiers and noblemen in the friendly local bookmaker.

john m

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2018, 07:23:52 am »
Didnt pick him up in the bookies just on the Road outside Kileys .We were talking about betting he was telling me they refused to let him board the plane for Italy as he was pissed So I assume he made his way to the Bookies lost his holiday money probably maxed out the CC in the pub cash machine chasing his losses then gets in with me now to finish off his bad day tomorrow he will have a visit from the Gards from Shankill .Fucked up my night bit like turning up at your own birthday party to find somebody else has blown out the candles and taken a slice of your cake .Totally pissed off so fucked off home .Today is another day .
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 08:05:42 am by john m »

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2018, 10:58:38 am »
Too drunk to fly so went to a public house for more drink, then you determined that he was sober enough to travel in your taxi without prepayment - Taximen vs Taxi Drivers.

Offline markmiwurdz

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2018, 06:29:01 pm »
It's gas the way they never go into a Pub,chipper or Chinko without money but the taximan is fair game.... ::fuck ::fds

Offline Cool Boola

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2018, 01:14:40 am »
The shift can turn sour at a moments notice...My car wouldent start .. So I am at home.. Otherwise it could have been me who picked up that dickhead....The randomness of life as a taximan ...I guess.
Dis an Dat Im not a rat

john m

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2018, 02:11:48 am »
 go into the Bookies beside the airport to have a few notes on Dublin @10/11 -3 points to beat Mayo. Paddy Power paid his fare just about .

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2018, 02:37:50 am »
one of my rules is I never go home straight after picking nasty arsehole cunts up.
get a few more proper runs under your belt to forget about it and don't let it ruin your shift.

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2018, 04:46:37 am »
Like learning to ride a horse... when you fall off you get back on straight away.

Offline Korky

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2018, 05:02:07 am »
Like learning to ride a horse... when you fall off you get back on straight away.
Yes, but never try to remount a donkey....... you all know why

john m

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2018, 10:47:45 am »
one of my rules is I never go home straight after picking nasty arsehole cunts up.
get a few more proper runs under your belt to forget about it and don't let it ruin your shift.

My philosophy (fuck I spelled that right ) Is a good run is better than a bad stand .When Im pissed off I abandon ship prevents you taking it out on the next fool who might not deserve your anger .

Offline Belker

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2018, 10:49:14 am »
one of my rules is I never go home straight after picking nasty arsehole cunts up.
get a few more proper runs under your belt to forget about it and don't let it ruin your shift.

That's a good rule DMG, I like it, Thanks.

I had this really lovely woman in the cab last night, covering a set fare job fer a mate of mine, she 'Mags' was about the same age as myself and we got chatting, then the chatting got personal, and then very personal and then she apologised fer asking such personal questions of me, I fobbed her off with; "Don't worry 'bout it Luv, ask whatever ya want, I've nothing or no one to hide from", and She Did ask ?  and on the Twenty minute journey to her home I laid my Life bare before her Listening ears.
On arriving at her family home I realised that I had said way too much about me to her and I apologised to her saying; "Sorry Luv, I know I have de ears burnt off ya n prob bored ya to death", "NO" she says as she exits the cab. She pays her fare back in through the Cab door and sez to me; "That was the most enthralling conversation that I ever had !   your Taxi ride home and conversation was by far without a doubt the best part of my night out, Ever !".

'Wow' I thought and 'Smiled' to myself all the way home !

john m

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2018, 10:57:47 am »
one of my rules is I never go home straight after picking nasty arsehole cunts up.
get a few more proper runs under your belt to forget about it and don't let it ruin your shift.

That's a good rule DMG, I like it, Thanks.

I had this really lovely woman in the cab last night, covering a set fare job fer a mate of mine, she 'Mags' was about the same age as myself and we got chatting, then the chatting got personal, and then very personal and then she apologised fer asking such personal questions of me, I fobbed her off with; "Don't worry 'bout it Luv, ask whatever ya want, I've nothing or no one to hide from", and She Did ask ?  and on the Twenty minute journey to her home I laid my Life bare before her Listening ears.
On arriving at her family home I realised that I had said way too much about me to her and I apologised to her saying; "Sorry Luv, I know I have de ears burnt off ya n prob bored ya to death", "NO" she says as she exits the cab. She pays her fare back in through the Cab door and sez to me; "That was the most enthralling conversation that I ever had !   your Taxi ride home and conversation was by far without a doubt the best part of my night out, Ever !".

'Wow' I thought and 'Smiled' to myself all the way home !

Yep you get them If you can spin a good yarn people enjoy listening and you get a pick me up by their enjoyment .Sometimes a Kind word or a smile is worth more than a cash tip .

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2018, 06:27:23 pm »
A few years ago late one Sunday during the summer I picked these arseholes and a lady up in town. Was about 5am and they wanted to go to howth to try and get in to some early house. one of them gets in the front. keeps fucking with the radio. A gobby smartmouth cunt in my ear the whole way. starts quizzing me and every answer I give him is derided loudly. chose to ignore the cunt after a while which was dangerous because it was letting him know that he got to me. wudda fucked them all out except the lady in the back had kept quiet and there was fuck all traffic. Reach howth and there was a taxi parked outside the bloody stream. Ask him if he knows where you get booze at this hour. Could'nt hear what the chap was saying because the cunt in the front starts mouthing loudly and insulting the driver.  We pull up outside the kip and the cunt in the front tells me if it is'nt open I'm not getting paid. I snapped. Could'nt take it any longer. IF I DON'T SEE ANY FUCKING MONEY IN THE NEXT 5 SECONDS YOU'RE GONNA GET FUCKING MURDERED. They all knew the jig was up and his pal quickly paid the dosh and dragged the cunt in the front out. Fucking booted it out of there.
Problem is there was nobody else to pick up after that. Went home and could'nt sleep cause I was so fucking wound up.

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: This fucking job can break you
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2018, 01:17:13 am »
Did you have a pedal?


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