Author Topic: Insurance shafting  (Read 19695 times)

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2018, 12:59:24 pm »
We don't bring a whole lot to the table in terms of skill. The ability to drive a motor car in accordance with the rules of the road isn't a lot to ask. PSV drivers should get double penalty points. Speeding is an epidemic that is out of control. The Gardai are incapable of enforcing the law. In this technological age there ought to be fixed cameras at least every 2 furlongs in 30 and 50 kilo/hour zones and every 2 miles in other areas.

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2018, 01:32:02 pm »
I knows it's too late but we're not legally required to disclose our penalty points.I wouldn't be in a hurry to inform them.They mean nothing.

Sure they can give ya penalty points for no NCT now.Not having one doesn't mean yer motor is dangerous.Or that you're dangerous even though you could be brutal behind the wheel.


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2018, 03:08:34 pm »
your insurer claim to have access to a data base to find out how many points you have. apart from that, God forbid youwould be involved in an accident and your policy would also be null and void for not declaring your correct points tally

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2018, 03:17:38 pm »
They don't check the penalty points AFAIK.Why should you be paying triple insurance because of some bollox points system.Sure weren't the cops wiping them off for their mates a few years ago.There is still no legal requirement to disclose them.I've no points at the moment and I'm breaking the speed limits and rules of the road regularly like most taxis.Where is the fairness in that?


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2018, 03:42:06 pm »
well i dont know if they check them or not, but if you had penalty points , and did not declare them, in the event of an accident this would make your policy invalet. this is the way the scumbags would get out of having to cough up

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2018, 03:44:33 pm »
You'd be covered by the uninsured drivers fund(AKA knackers insurance).Anyway it's a rubbish system that crucifies those unfortunate enough to get caught.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 03:53:59 pm by mercenary for hire »


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2018, 03:51:07 pm »
i have known a few taxi drivers who had to leave the industry, and lost their livlehoods because they accumilated to many penalty points, and could not get insurance anywhere because of it. its a heavy price to pay just because the scumbags want their 80 euro fine


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2018, 03:58:22 pm »
i can kinda tolerate the cops with their speed vans, but not that sneaky shower of bastards go safe who are paid on commision for every driver they screw

Offline mercenary for hire

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2018, 03:59:28 pm »
When I had points it didn't change how I drove.The limits are irrelevant when road conditions are taken into account.Traffic volumes,cyclists and time of day make a huge difference.The different zones aren't clearly marked.If we're looking around for speed limit signs we're not watching the road ahead.I work the whole city and barely know half of the relevant limits.

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2018, 04:17:24 pm »
thats not entirely correct dalymount.
read the last few lines of this article.
GoSafe don't need to operate on commision because they're paid a fuckin bomb by the government to just park their vans out there. if they snag speedsters its a bonus on top of the bonanza.


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2018, 04:43:13 pm »
they still have to justify their existence , the shower of bastards

Offline silverbullet

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2018, 11:13:23 pm »

Duty of Disclosure
We want to clarify your responsibilities when you take out an insurance policy so that KennCo can give you the protection you need.

We need to be told many important and material facts so we can give you the maximum support when you need it. For a start, you must provide complete and accurate information to us before the cover starts and you must check that all the facts are correct on the statement of fact. It’s very important to remember that you must tell us about any material change to the risk following the inception of your policy, at renewal, or any other time while the policy is in force.

A material fact is relevant information (or misinformation) which could influence our decision to either accept the risk, or the terms offered. Failure to disclose all of the information could invalidate your policy. This means that claims may not be paid in full or perhaps not at all. This failure to disclose could have serious consequences when attempting to obtain insurance from any other provider.

Please make sure that you read all documents issued to you and ensure that you are aware of the cover, limits and other terms that apply. Always ask us if you are unsure of anything and we will be very happy to help.


Important notice about your duty of disclosure
You are entering a legal contract with an insurance company. That means you are obliged to answer or confirm all our questions honestly and disclose or confirm all information as set out in the statement of fact. If you have any questions, just ask us and we’ll answer them fairly. We would like to ensure that all claims are paid for you, but remember this is only possible when all the facts are disclosed from the beginning.
Facts include:


All previous claims or incidents
Even though a claim was made and did not succeed, or occurred anytime within the last three years, it will be recorded on a common claims register to which most insurers have access. This register will be checked once a claim is lodged. If you omit to disclose a previous claim, medical history or incident that may have given rise to a claim within the last three years, then any future claim by you for any cover under the policy may not be entertained.


All convictions
You must tell us about any motoring, civil or criminal convictions, whether received anytime in the past, or pending actions, or which occur during the lifetime of the policy. If you don’t your policy could be invalid.


Penalty points (Applies only to Motor Policies)
You must tell us about all penalty points, whether on your licence or not. Insurers now have full access to the points register and we will check it. If you make a claim under your policy and have not disclosed your penalty points it could affect the outcome of your claim.


Description of risk to be covered
We require an accurate description of any property, or vehicle to be insured including any medical history.
Modified, adapted or left-hand drive vehicles must be disclosed. Remember the policy holder must be the registered owner of the vehicle insured under the policy of insurance.
“Standard property construction” means built of brick, stone or concrete and may include inner timber frames – roofed with slates, tiles, asphalt, metal or concrete. Any non-standard construction must be declared. N.B. Torch on felt or bitumen on a timber decking is non-standard and its total area must be declared. You must also tell us about any unoccupancy of your property, partial or otherwise.

All cars four years and over must have a current NCT and we may request proof of this at inception or any time in the future.

It is really important that you disclose all information to us in full. If you fail to disclose a material fact or misrepresent a material fact in order to obtain insurance it can be considered fraud and we are obliged to hand over any documentation/call recordings or video footage in our possession to the relevant authorities, which may result in prosecution.


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2018, 08:08:58 am »
It seems clear to me ,they say they DO have access to a data base about penalty points,and also none decleration WILL invaladate your policy in the event of a claim.

Offline Vikkiz

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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2018, 08:13:12 am »
Ifn they have access to all these databases, why do I have to declare everything. It should show up when they put my name and DOB into the system


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Re: Insurance shafting
« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2018, 10:04:24 am »
They want YOU to declare your points total hoping you will make a false decleration,in which case they wont have to pay out because your policy would be invalad in such the meantime,they still get your monthly premimum


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