Author Topic: Proud to be Irish  (Read 7622 times)

john m

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Proud to be Irish
« on: May 14, 2018, 10:18:57 pm »
The Gay Foreigner has not made any comment as the Israelies murder Women And Children .Pity they didnt persicute sodomites and he would be all over the telly in a Rainbow vest and hot pants .Discusting useless human being fair Play to Deputy Crow SF whocalled it as it is .Our Government should be world leaders shouting out against occupation we are hoping that the EU defend us against Britain but dont give a fiddlers fuck about Palistinians getting murdred .FUCKING SHAMEFULL .

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 10:55:57 pm »
Hear Hear!

Offline Dr. Martin Gooter Bling

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2018, 11:09:45 pm »
hear hear John.

Offline Tony

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2018, 02:37:47 am »
Rainbow vest and hot pants, now there's an image I can't get outa me head.
Mr. T-bag to you

john m

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2018, 09:04:16 am »
We are one of the few countries in the world that is occupied .Churchill offered Dev the North back if we would join them in WW2 .The Brits dont want the North its a drain on resources everybody in the Kip is on some sort of benefit or working for the local authority ,civil service or some sort of bring your prisoners to work scheme .The only reason the Brits held on to it was because our best mates the Yanks had a huge radar tracking station in Derry to keep an eye on the Russian and German activities in the North Atlantic now with Satellites and Google ocean they can see whats happening from space Uncle Sam dosent need the top half of Ireland anymore and nor does ENGLAND .How can an Irish government support the Palastinian occupation by speaking out when the wont even speak out for their own .Brexiteers like Borris and Gove and Reese Mogg want a hard brexit so our hard liners should support that by saying OK you want a special deal for the Septered isle then give us back our lands in the North of Ireland and remove the need for any border controls .Them you will have no land border with Europe and be in total control of your own borders .If only we could get the LGBT Eurovision loving Disco heads to support a United Ireland then every Political Party that is looking for their vote would become One Nation Republicans ,we could even abandon the Tricolour in favour of the Reingbow Nation Flag .

 May Allah,God ,Jesus or whoevers band those Palistinians march to Protect them from America and their Vassal Israel .The Yanks wont be happy until Syria is carved up with a bit for the Turks a bit for the Syrians a bit for the Saudies a bit for the Russians and a little bit for Jordan and a bit with some oil for the Israilies .

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2018, 09:37:48 am »
Our Government should be world leaders shouting out against occupation????

There's about 4 million refugees and  immigrants living in Ireland and they keep Cummin.....
When is the last time you seen a homeless black man? Every one them is housed by the lgbt / women's lib hot pants and dungeree /pro abortion brigade

The hospitals are overcrowded,,,
The schools can't cope,

Fuck the Jews and the Palestinians.... It's not my fukin problem....
We've enough problems here....
This country is imploding... 
As for adopting 1 million fukin orange men an startin another war just to paint the post boxes green In Belfast..........?

Am I the only sane cunt in Ireland?
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2018, 10:27:06 am »
Occy the influx of Asians into Ireland is because most of them speak English and hold British Passports or have the right to live in Britain .They are using the EU rules to migrate from the UK to Ireland before Brexit as they do not know what their status will be in the UK after Brexit but if they come here now they are covered by existing EU rules .The reason a lot of Black are not homeless is because they greatfully take what they are given unlike some Irish who turn down offers of housing because the garden is not south facing or there is no Chinese take away near by .The hospitals are fucked because the HSE likes to keep old people tucked up nice and warm in bed @1300 euro per week as opposed to admitting somebody who is sick that might take tens of thousands to treat .The HSE managers only manage the budget not the patients .Schools cant cope simply because the Unions are running the schools not the Nuns and the Brothers .42 pupils in my class in Primary and we were better educated than todays class rooms with half as many pupils .Kids now need special needs teachers if they cant read or write .When I was in schoolnot being able to read or write was a qualification in itself it meant you left school and got a labouring job or drove a truck. The benifits to a United Ireland are Huge especially when we also decide the EU is Fucked or Germany gets pissed off with it and just fucks off.Anyhow it would be good reprogamming therophy for Unionists to paint Pillarboxes and Roadsigns Green .

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2018, 11:08:06 am »
I thought they were all students, erm. Banning student visa holders from driving cabs was supposed to get rid of all the immigrants. With the benefit of hindsight, that was a bottle of smoke.

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2018, 11:15:15 am »
 ::sleep ;D
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 11:47:07 pm by Octavia1 »
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2018, 12:07:52 pm »
Occy .Irish governments going back are incompedent .When we gained Independence Britain sent over a check every Friday tocover Pensions and other liabilities they had historically .This I know because a Great Uncle of mine worked in the Dep of Finance and his job was to lodge the Check in the Bank I kid you not .The Irish government used this cask to lever a loan from international lenders .As soon as we saw an opportunity to join the Common Market in the early 60s Lemass dribbled at the mouth and in his pants thinking more free money on the first two occasions we tried to join the Common Market they refused .They only let us in when Britain Joined .Then all our TDs got their snouts in the throughts and built ruralroads to nowhere as long as they passed by the poling station and the pub .They bankrupted the kip and sold out to international investors and then being the SCUM of Europe we decided to fiddle the tax for big business .How do you explain cheating every other European out of their tax revenue and then handing it straight back to the multinationals .As a Country we are SCUM our Governments have sold us out for short termgain .I as you know advocate GET A GUN and I mean that most sincearly .There is both a class war and a race war brewing all over Europe .Britain Know this and are trying to right the ship before it Sinks .7 years ago I got a Gig @ Microsofts HQ and I predicted Brexit and I also said we might go with them .Brexit is going to destroy our economy if its a hard Brexit .The EU will punish Ireland when our Big Brother Britain are no longer in the playground to stop us being bullied .Ireland will become a dumping ground for refugees and the EU will pay us for taking them just like they now pay Greece .Bleeding hearted Liberals and Left wing Free thinkers will destroy everything they touch .Just look at the Support the self serving Idiot in the states gets from the people of the states.If you want to know why Ireland are not kicking Britain while they are down its because our TDs including the Republican Leaning SF are on their knees praying Britain Dont leave .On your other issue First Principle of Retaliation Dont Get Caught 

Offline Octavia1

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2018, 12:51:40 pm »
Occy .Irish governments going back are incompedent .When we gained Independence Britain sent over a check every Friday tocover Pensions and other liabilities they had historically .This I know because a Great Uncle of mine worked in the Dep of Finance and his job was to lodge the Check in the Bank I kid you not .The Irish government used this cask to lever a loan from international lenders .As soon as we saw an opportunity to join the Common Market in the early 60s Lemass dribbled at the mouth and in his pants thinking more free money on the first two occasions we tried to join the Common Market they refused .They only let us in when Britain Joined .Then all our TDs got their snouts in the throughts and built ruralroads to nowhere as long as they passed by the poling station and the pub .They bankrupted the kip and sold out to international investors and then being the SCUM of Europe we decided to fiddle the tax for big business .How do you explain cheating every other European out of their tax revenue and then handing it straight back to the multinationals .As a Country we are SCUM our Governments have sold us out for short termgain .I as you know advocate GET A GUN and I mean that most sincearly .There is both a class war and a race war brewing all over Europe .Britain Know this and are trying to right the ship before it Sinks .7 years ago I got a Gig @ Microsofts HQ and I predicted Brexit and I also said we might go with them .Brexit is going to destroy our economy if its a hard Brexit .The EU will punish Ireland when our Big Brother Britain are no longer in the playground to stop us being bullied .Ireland will become a dumping ground for refugees and the EU will pay us for taking them just like they now pay Greece .Bleeding hearted Liberals and Left wing Free thinkers will destroy everything they touch .Just look at the Support the self serving Idiot in the states gets from the people of the states.If you want to know why Ireland are not kicking Britain while they are down its because our TDs including the Republican Leaning SF are on their knees praying Britain Dont leave .On your other issue First Principle of Retaliation Dont Get Caught

Totally Agree.......

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Offline Belker

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2018, 01:26:29 pm »
The Gay Foreigner has not made any comment as the Israelies murder Women And Children .Pity they didnt persicute sodomites and he would be all over the telly in a Rainbow vest and hot pants .Discusting useless human being fair Play to Deputy Crow SF whocalled it as it is .Our Government should be world leaders shouting out against occupation we are hoping that the EU defend us against Britain but dont give a fiddlers fuck about Palistinians getting murdred .FUCKING SHAMEFULL .

To be fair, it was the Hamas led Palastinians who brought the battle to the Isralies and it was after much provocation that the Israeli army opened fire. Granted it was extreme and should not have happened. 'Rubber' bullets and tear gas should have been sufficient rather than Live rounds.
But Shit happens, if'n your gonna attack your enemy, then expect them to respond.

RIP to the 55 Dead.

Offline Belker

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2018, 01:35:15 pm »
And Coveney should keep his Fookin beak out of it, why should he be getting involved with the Israel ambassador.
The Isralites and Palastinians have been killing each other since Christ was born, It's what they do, they seem to enjoy it, Fook em, leave em at it !

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2018, 01:36:11 pm »
I bet if I pulled out a map yis wouldn't find any of these places first time.Unless it's beside where we holiday nobody gives a shite.If we didn't have 24hour live news yis would never know about this stuff going on.I admire yer outrage and wish I cared about these things.

Offline Belker

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Re: Proud to be Irish
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2018, 01:54:06 pm »
Israel, Lebanon and Louth are all Dots on the global map, but fer good reason they get a lorra press coverage !


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