Author Topic: good man donny  (Read 14210 times)

Offline Bob Shillin

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2018, 09:44:21 pm »


Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic  :-*
That woman loves a hug, thought she was gonna jump Macron
"So look into the mirror, do you recognise someone, is it who you always thought you would become, when you were young?"

The Liffey Lip

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2018, 06:50:18 am »
Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, dropped more bombs in his time than were dropped in the whole of WW2. Trump wants to make changes but the laws and dictats of diplomacy frustrate him...He reminds me of George Lee here........went in with his lunch-box, sat down and was told how it really is and not to be rocking any boats etc. The silly cunts who think politicians make the rules continue to delude themselves. Citibank picked out Barack Obama's whole cabinet for him......proof is there if you google it............but, hey....who wants to be told the truth when they can remain comfortably numb?


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Re: good man donny
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2018, 08:30:54 am »
the reason i love Donald so much is he is not like other politicians he calls it as he sees it. he is not afraid of all these bleeding heart groups, he tells mexician drug dealers to fukk off they will not get into America, and instead of being applauded for it , he is critisied instead. his policy of America is crucified by everyone. is it not the job of the leader to put his own first ? he advised all other countries to do the same, but they would rather go around licking the holes of each other. the likes of those cunts on the left Boyd Barrett, Coppinger etc etc stood in the lashing rain months ago protesting with a load of muslims about the way they were treated. these same cunts dont have the slightest interest in protesting in support of their own people. these bleeding hearts do gooders make me sick

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2018, 08:33:35 am »
The Gay Foreigner told us No Hard Border now he is recruiting 1000 new customs officers .No HARD BORDER ON THE ISLAND OF IRELAND but there will be one at every port and airport but in Leo speak that dosent count .GET A GUN Britain is getting no deal as EU will fall apart if they do .In Europe Ireland is considered to be vermin absolute scum ,we are tax cheats who facilitate multinationals to defraud every other EU state so this Brexit is a chance for the EU to put manners on us .Without Britain in our corner and they always have been we are going to get bullied in the schoolyard .Ten companies are responsible for 90% of our exports if any of them leave we are fucked .As Hippo says business makes the rules not Politicians .The Irish government know the game is up .If Britain get a free trade agreement with the EU then a few of them multinationals will leave Ireland as Britain will offer a lower corporate tax rate .Look around you at plan B .Ireland is gender and race friendly and English Speaking we are preparing to enter the Education Market big time .We have upgraded all the DITs into Universities last week we joined Tallagh and Blanch and gave them University status .The new business model is to sell college degrees to overseas students as there is big money in that ,we have huge homelessness but are building thousands of student accommodation units to house the students during term time but they will also be available for tourists to rent in summer .Education and tourism are more stable products that tec Google ,Facebook ,Amazon can be replaced by another app developed by another kid from their mothers spare room .Big Pharma can go out of business when their drugs go out of patten and generic copies can be made .


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Re: good man donny
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2018, 11:35:05 am »
unfortunitely this country will never leave the EU willingly. we are to pro EU. my only hope for that to happen is, that the fukking thing falls apart through the withdrawal of others.this country sold its moral values for greed. in doing that, we also sold our national identity which is now diluted beyond belief. our industry in particular, has been comendered by foreigners most of whom cannot speak English properly, and none of whom are properly vetted. the fact that we have a legal obligation to take these imports into our country, is due in no small part to our membership of the EU.rules are being broken on a daily basis by these people, yet a blind eye is being turned for fear of not wanting to upset the fukking immigrant council of Ireland.

Offline Taxi driver42

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2018, 11:43:13 am »
Just called his own secret services liars because Putin told him he didnt interfear with the election .Then the Dumb cunt thinks it was great of Putin to offer to have a look at the Americans evidence of Russian interfearence and tell them that they are wrong .Remember Americans idiots elected this idiot .Imagine this moron has the codes to launch the end of the World .

Would that be the same secret service that told the world Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,
You would want to be a fool to trust the so-called secret service.

22 million of George W Bush emails went missing
What did the FBI do about it
Nearly 3000 of crooked Hillary's emails went missing
What do the FBI do about it.
Fuck all.
What did Barack Obama do for the Blacks.
Great man try talking in front of the camera
But a waste of  8 years
But Barack Obama and Crooked Hillary we're the ones who bombed Libya back into the Stone Age.
She should be behind bars.
Like here in this kip we got great talkers but do fuckall.
Give me a Donald Trump any day to wake Kildare Street what are snouts in the trough.
Maybe we could welcome Russia interfere with our  elections . To remove them dinosaurs the sleeping in Kildare Street
Hail Trump.

I agree

Trump is king and I'd still vote for him
He IS the legally elected leader of America nobody can take that away from him
What did bill Clinton do apart from ram cigars into interns woman bits or come all over interns dresses
Great man bill ye
Hillary is a liar wouldn't trust her to run a taxi union let alone America

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2018, 11:50:10 am »
I think you might be right .The EU will fall apart and immigration will be the issue that causes it .I dont know if that would be a good or a bad thing but I probably wont be alive to find out .If I was a betting man Id say the EU will be over finished in under 50 years .The real blind eye treatment is what is going on in the FSC billions of ill gotten being laundered on behalf of who the fuck knows.You still romanticize about Ireland Dollymount .It was a decrepit third world country with fuck all going for it until we begged the EEC to let us in .My oldman left Ireland to find work in the UK when he was 15 he traveled over on a boat full of cattle cost him £2 and he had to help to unload the cattle in Liverpool .


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Re: good man donny
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2018, 01:20:17 pm »
John as i said before. im well aware of the poverty stricken country we were before our membership of the EU, but as i also said before my national identity, culture, and heritage is far more important to me then all the economic benefits the EU could ever bestow on me

Offline Octavia1

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2018, 01:56:31 pm »
It won't take 50 years Europe collapse...... It's fuked...... For one simple reason..... Open borders.... The pendulum is swinging the other way.....
Goin be some walls built within 5 not 50 years......
I'll never forget or forgive being evicted from me home cause I couldn't pay the mortgage..... while foreign taxi drivers we'r given cars and homes for fukin nuttin but by just saying they cudn go home or they be tortured.....
I knocked on every fukin door there was lookin for help and every fukin one them state agencies told me to fuk off ya cunt.....
I've absolutely no fukin doubt in my mind if I wasn't Irish and white.... The outcome would be entirely different....... There's thousands like me who are afraid to speak up about wats going on for fear of being labeled racist or some other fukin lie.....
Things will turn and I'm predicting a very fukin ugly future if it keeps up...
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2018, 02:08:35 pm »
It won't take 50 years Europe collapse...... It's fuked...... For one simple reason..... Open borders.... The pendulum is swinging the other way.....
Goin be some walls built within 5 not 50 years......
I'll never forget or forgive being evicted from me home cause I couldn't pay the mortgage..... while foreign taxi drivers we'r given cars and homes for fukin nuttin but by just saying they cudn go home or they be tortured.....
I knocked on every fukin door there was lookin for help and every fukin one them state agencies told me to fuk off ya cunt.....
I've absolutely no fukin doubt in my mind if I wasn't Irish and white.... The outcome would be entirely different....... There's thousands like me who are afraid to speak up about wats going on for fear of being labeled racist or some other fukin lie.....
Things will turn and I'm predicting a very fukin ugly future if it keeps up...


john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2018, 02:23:17 pm »
European GDP is contracting and Thanks to Donny T .We will go back into recession if he introduces tarriffs on cars .If that happens Italy will go bankrupt and the Euro will collapse .If the Gay Foreigner had Mens parts he would do a deal with the Brits to fund us then abandon the EU along with the Brits and default on all our EU debt .I was talking to a bloke works in the FSC he recons the reason that builders are not building houses is they expect the Euro to collapse he recons the banks know this and wont loan millions to developers to build domestic property .Watch the Germans sell us all out to protect their economy ,they will roll over to Donny T and do what he says .If they do the Greeks will default .Brexit,Donny T ,Italy Greece .a lot of banana skins not to mention Hungry,Austria or Russia .As I say pay off your Credit Card reduce your borrowings prepare for the next shock it will be bigger than anything we have seen .

Offline Octavia1

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2018, 02:27:57 pm »
We shouldn't for get the dozens of taxi drivers who succumbed to the pressure in the recession.... Every one them was Irish.....
The situation has echos of Germany in the 30s.... That resentment of poverty and loss
Is a powerful motivator for change... That's we'r donny came in...... The Joe public, plumbers, carpenters,even taxi drivers workin class are resentful that they had to pay the bill an debt ..... Whilst the banks and noww big business that fuked them over and we'r bailed out here in Ireland are now selling there loan books to vulture funds.....
I can tell yu now if a bloke in uniform went into the Dail now wit a tank an executed the place...... Ide be the first to join up.....
Give me fukin gun
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

Offline Octavia1

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2018, 02:33:56 pm »
Didn't Hungary pull out the European immigrant deal this mornin?  Told them to go ta fuk.....?
Stack o cards
Ide rather be a poor master than a rich servant

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2018, 02:38:14 pm »
I think a lot of new entry countries from eastern Europe thought join the EU get loads of free cash but now understand that is not the way it works .If you want cash you need to sell your hole .

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2018, 03:00:37 pm »
Plenty of Eastern Europeans over here keeping the courts busy with crimes committed under the influence of alcohol... a taste of our own medicine?


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