Author Topic: Democracy me bollox  (Read 55615 times)

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #180 on: January 16, 2019, 07:03:55 am »
Bit of conspiracy theory for you, Dalyer..........

Offline Belker

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #181 on: January 16, 2019, 07:15:25 am »
That puts a long running question in my head to bed fer me.

How Hilary stayed at Bill's side during and after the 'Monica' thing always amazed me and I could never make any sense of it.
The fact that she was at it too makes complete sense and completes the puzzle fer me.

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #182 on: January 16, 2019, 01:38:24 pm »


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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #183 on: January 16, 2019, 02:16:21 pm »
Forgive me,but what has chelsea clintons attire got to do with the price of turnips ?
Bit of conspiracy theory for you, Dalyer..........


The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #184 on: January 17, 2019, 08:15:08 am »
Ah wrong link, Dalyer............too late now as the moment has passed....apologies.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #185 on: January 17, 2019, 08:22:17 am »
Another extension for the Brits looks very likely.............still think it's going to happen? Think Charles Dickens' Bleak House and the never-ending legal saga............Jarndyce v Jarndyce.

john m

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #186 on: January 17, 2019, 08:30:12 am »
You got to learn to listen to what Politicians say when they are not talking .Tessy has asked the rabble to come up with a plan but she said they are leaving .No matter what deal they get there will be a backstop unless they leave with no deal .Tessy needs the Bigoted DUP on board .No matter what amount of MPs she gets on side the only deal she can do it crash out .WHY .If she does a deal that includes a backstop the minute it is passed and before it can be written into law the DUP put down a motion of no confidence and the Government collapses .Paddy Power 6/1 they leave with no deal on the 29th of March 2019.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #187 on: January 17, 2019, 08:38:03 am »
Fuck Paddy Power.............he doesn't run the real show..................De Gaulle warned the Brits and Germans...........they're closer than people think.............look at their Queen.

john m

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #188 on: January 17, 2019, 09:00:38 am »
Lip watch the Gay Foreigner squirm pressure is going to be applied to him to give way on the backstop .If he does thats the end of FG for a generation .Cant see Brexit working out for FG might have a  bet @ 7/4 largest party in the next Dail is FF .Tessy May played her hand badly unless what she really wanted was a clean break if that was the endgame then she has outsmarted them all as that is the only way to achieve Brexit .Leo was played by the Brits and the EU he has no political instinct a dangerously lacking skill for a politician .Dont understand why he insisted on any backstop when he had a Veto on the final deal .

 May is a manipulator she is an astute politician among the worst backbiting vile selfserving Political party in Europe she was able to become Prime Minister ,you dont achieve that without having the ability to eat flames and piss acid .FF know Leo fucked up that is why they are leaving him in power great stroke to extend the supply and support deal until Brexit is sorted as the mess will be Leos legacy .Then listening to Paggo the lieing bastard cant even use the word Ireland when he speaks he refers to Ireland as In our Country I bet if he is ever challenged on some promise he made he will say I never mentioned Ireland so I dont know where you got the idea that Ireland was doing well before it crashed AGAIN .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #189 on: January 17, 2019, 10:49:00 am »
Me? Thinking Ireland was doing well..........? Don't recall that gem, John..........I think Ireland has been and always will be a nice place to grow crops for other nation's armies.......Vicoria, the fat cheese-dripping cunt, thought our green land very salubrious for robbing.


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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #190 on: January 17, 2019, 12:23:27 pm »
Who the fukk is peggo ?

john m

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #191 on: January 17, 2019, 12:33:32 pm »
Who the fukk is peggo ?

Do you know nowt Paggo is the Minister for Money .

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #192 on: January 17, 2019, 12:39:52 pm »
Ah wrong link, Dalyer............too late now as the moment has passed....apologies.

If you want to talk about your interest in Chelsea Clinton and/or her attire or lack thereof as the case may be, Hal is here to listen.

The Liffey Lip

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #193 on: January 17, 2019, 02:29:20 pm »
Curse of The Haltese Butlin.

Offline Shallowhal

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Re: Democracy me bollox
« Reply #194 on: January 17, 2019, 05:28:03 pm »
Ah wrong link, Dalyer............too late now as the moment has passed....apologies.

If you want to talk about your interest in Chelsea Clinton and/or her attire or lack thereof as the case may be, Hal is here to listen.

The shite that LL watches.....i was hopin it was gonna be Chelsea takin it large...or givin it!!


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