Author Topic: The Brexodus  (Read 369699 times)

Offline Rat Catcher

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The Brexodus
« on: March 12, 2019, 06:32:41 pm »

The Brexodus: Dublin attracting big business from the City of London

Irish capital is ‘clear winner’, as 100 companies open offices in Dublin, report finds

Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 12:32 Updated: Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 16:46
Colin Gleeson

Dublin is in “a league of its own” when it comes to attracting business from the UK with at least 100 companies choosing the city as a post-Brexit location, according to a new report.

Compiled by New Financial, a think tank, the report – called Brexit & the City – the Impact So Far – examines the effect the UK’s impending exit from the European Union has had on London’s financial centre to date.

More than 5,000 financial firms in the UK use passporting to access the EU, and, without a withdrawal deal to secure the UK’s orderly exit, they will lose this access unless they set up a new entity in the EU.

The report identifies 269 financial services groups in the UK that have responded to Brexit in some way by relocating part of their business, staff, or legal entities to the EU.
Dublin emerges as “the clear winner”, with 100 choosing the Irish capital as a post-Brexit location. This represents 30 per cent of all the moves identified.

The city is also well ahead of its nearest rivals, with Luxembourg on 60 firms, Paris with 41, Frankfurt on 40, and Amsterdam on 32. “We expect these numbers to increase significantly in the near future,” the report states.

The report finds that banks have moved, or are moving, about £800 billion (€934 billion) in assets from the UK to the EU, which represents nearly 10 per cent of the entire UK banking system.

Insurance firms are moving tens of billions of assets, and asset managers have transferred more than £65 billion in funds.

Many large firms have had their new entities in the EU up and running for months, and having spent tens or hundreds of millions of pounds on their contingency plans are not going to relocate business back to the UK anytime soon, the report argues.

A new post-Brexit EU hub

It also identifies almost 5,000 expected staff moves or local hires in response to Brexit, but says this is from “only a small minority of firms” and that this number would “increase significantly” in the next few years.

“Dublin is in a league of its own when it comes to attracting business from the UK,” it says.

“We identified 100 firms that are relocating part of their business to or boosting their presence in the Irish capital, of which 86 have chosen Dublin as their main post-Brexit EU hub.

“We think there are more to come: the Central Bank of Ireland has said that it has received ‘well over’ 100 applications as a result of Brexit, and a sensible short-term estimate might be closer to 150.”

The report says Dublin’s main attraction is its common language, single supervisory structure and expertise, close ties with the UK financial sector, the liveability of Dublin itself, and its role as an established financial centre.

“This is reflected in Dublin’s dominant position in terms of attracting asset managers, hedge funds and private equity firms,” it says.

“Over a third of the firms choosing Dublin as their main EU hub are asset managers, and this rises to just over half when you include hedge funds and private equity.”

Dublin has also attracted two of the biggest moves in the banking sector, with Barclays and Bank of America Merrill Lynch choosing the city as their EU hub.
Between them, they have transferred £200 billion in assets to the Republic along with 250 staff.

Big insurance firms including Aviva and Phoenix Life have also transferred significant chunks of business to Dublin, moving £30 billion in assets.

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2019, 08:14:17 pm »
Its all bollox Rodent as soon as the Brits get their deal or crash out then ALL of these jobs will return to the British tax haven .The Gay Foreigner will get fucked but not in the way he likes when Mr Merkel of Furer Macron tell him they stuck with us now we have to stick with them and accept a universal corporate tax rate .Then the low life Irish scumbags who have been helping the worlds wealthiest companies cheat their taxes get rightly fucked .Irish Scumbag Politicians actually dont grab the tax for the Irish people they hand it over to the likes of Apple ,Google et al .

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2019, 12:29:49 am »
Maybe so, erm... but they win a decent few notes on the horses into the bargain, your honour!

Offline silverbullet

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2019, 03:00:09 pm »
Its all bollox Rodent as soon as the Brits get their deal or crash out then ALL of these jobs will return to the British tax haven .The Gay Foreigner will get fucked but not in the way he likes when Mr Merkel of Furer Macron tell him they stuck with us now we have to stick with them and accept a universal corporate tax rate .Then the low life Irish scumbags who have been helping the worlds wealthiest companies cheat their taxes get rightly fucked .Irish Scumbag Politicians actually dont grab the tax for the Irish people they hand it over to the likes of Apple ,Google et al .
The people they employ here pay the taxes.
And those people vote.
The Tech Giants dont pay taxes, preferring the role of Philanthropy, which of course is further tax deductible.

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2019, 03:20:45 pm »
Its all bollox Rodent as soon as the Brits get their deal or crash out then ALL of these jobs will return to the British tax haven .The Gay Foreigner will get fucked but not in the way he likes when Mr Merkel of Furer Macron tell him they stuck with us now we have to stick with them and accept a universal corporate tax rate .Then the low life Irish scumbags who have been helping the worlds wealthiest companies cheat their taxes get rightly fucked .Irish Scumbag Politicians actually dont grab the tax for the Irish people they hand it over to the likes of Apple ,Google et al .
The people they employ here pay the taxes.
And those people vote.
The Tech Giants dont pay taxes, preferring the role of Philanthropy, which of course is further tax deductible.

Not in Ireland Silver about 80% of Tech workers dont have a vote in Ireland .When the tax fiddle no longer negates the high wage cost in Ireland The Tech firms will move and so will their staff  & euro for a pint in Temple Bar same pint is a Buck and a bit in Lisbon or Saville .and rent is lower so pay less buy more .


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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2019, 03:42:02 pm »
Im a bit slow in my understanding,but could somebody explain this to me. All the talk in the house of commons now,is wether or not to leave with,or without a deal. But if there is no other deal on offer except tessys (-which they have rejected  twice) then what other deal  are they talking about ?

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2019, 03:48:42 pm »
Im a bit slow in my understanding,but could somebody explain this to me. All the talk in the house of commons now,is wether or not to leave with,or without a deal. But if there is no other deal on offer except tessys (-which they have rejected  twice) then what other deal  are they talking about ?

 Brits are tiddling the belly of Europe .Brits want a deal but they want their deal .They will vote not to leave without a deal then Tessies deal will be voted on again only next time the Loyalist scum will be aware British Government will sell them out and bankrupt the Loyalist base and Reese Mogg and the semi literate wing will have two choices support Tessy or no Brexit ..This is a Chess Game nobody wants to lose so the Draw looks most likely result unless Tessy gets the hump and goes to the Queen and calls a shock General Election .Anyway Brits and the EU will punish the Irish for wrecking Brexit for everybody even though they both wanted us to wreck it .


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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2019, 03:59:42 pm »
Do you think a delay is now inevitable ?

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2019, 04:03:58 pm »
Do you think a delay is now inevitable ?

Yes EU will fold unless Spain who are having an election say no .Gibraltar might be a vote winner in Spain ,it could still all go wrong for the Brits .I hope it dosent ,I hate political violence or Wars only the little man suffers while the big man profiteers .These are Dangerous times .


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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2019, 04:09:11 pm »
The brits have to have a really good reason for seeking a delay,otherwise they might not grant it

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2019, 04:11:14 pm »
The brits have to have a really good reason for seeking a delay,otherwise they might not grant it

EU would snap their hands off for a delay .I wonder why the EU say they might not offer them a delay thats why I think the Spanish might not want to agree .


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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2019, 04:21:29 pm »
I think any request for a delay ,has to be unanimous ?

john m

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2019, 04:29:21 pm »
I think any request for a delay ,has to be unanimous ?

It does but will Spain agree .General Election in Spain Gibraltar could be used as an election issue so Spain might tell them to fuck off and refuse an extension .


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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2019, 05:29:45 pm »
I hope so

Offline Rat Catcher

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Re: The Brexodus
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2019, 05:45:34 pm »
Im a bit slow in my understanding,but could somebody explain this to me. All the talk in the house of commons now,is wether or not to leave with,or without a deal. But if there is no other deal on offer except tessys (-which they have rejected  twice) then what other deal  are they talking about ?

Long story short:
If the Prime Minister (Taoiseach) and the civil servants get their way it'll be a long delay. Britain will take part in upcoming Euro elections and a second referendum will result in remain. If the leader of the opposition gets his way the deal negotiated by the Prime Minister (Taoiseach) will be passed (perhaps subject to a little inconsequential tweaking/rewording) after a short or long delay, as the case may be.


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