Author Topic: good man donny  (Read 14265 times)

The Liffey Lip

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2018, 06:33:17 am »
The expansion of NATO after the "collapse" of communism has led Russia to rattle a few sabres in fury at being sidelined as a major player. Hungary and Bulgaria are on the periphery of the ire of Russia and thus must be seen to conform in some aspects to the ancien regime.

The real reason we have mass immigration, not migration, is that the Yanks and Brits went about toppling regimes everywhere with no thought given to the aftermath of their selfishness. Every psycho in power in the middle-east was put there by the Brits and Yanks until they stopped playing ball and blindly following orders. When they become surplus to requirements as Ghadaffi did, they just go in and wreak unholy carnage.....and fuck the consequences. If Turkey ever joins the EU in full we will have in excess of 50 million of them looking for a new John M says..........time to stop eating confectionery and shape up.

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2018, 08:25:06 am »
The fucking penny is dropping if only the Gay Foreigner was a member here he would of known years ago .Tessy May just told Leo he can stick his backstop up his back passage .The daft Fucker  is threatening to stop British planes flying over Ireland does the Prick not understand that he is being used by Europe as a pawn in their Brexit battle with Britain .This is the same EU that demanded that we the People of Ireland should bail out foreign investors or a grenade would go off in Dublin .The Irish puppet ESRI say Brexit will reduce our GDP by .3 % the WTO says a full 4% stuttery Paggo says we might lose 40,000 jobs .The real figures are in the first year our economy will contract by 4% and thats only because Brexit starts in April the next year it will contract by another 3% this will mean over 200,000 jobs lost .In what world is Leo living in, he should be working with the Brits to help them get a deal not shitting on them because the French and Germans tell him to .There must be at least half a million Irish Born people living and earning in the UK can you imagine the backlash against them if the Brits decide that Leo is holding them to ransom .Time to GET A GUN

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2018, 08:32:47 am »
GIVE THIS A READ  What a fucking idiot ,He should pack up his Hot Pance and vest and fuck off on holiday .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2018, 08:36:42 am »
He is a pawn being used, Leo, but he is also playing them for his bigger Pres of the EU. Dizzee Pascal was on RTE spluttering and gurning all over the gaff letting on he's got the cards to play. Leo will walk away and leave this kip in tatters, occasionally peeking over his Rainbow Flag from Strasbourg.

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2018, 08:43:48 am »
He is a pawn being used, Leo, but he is also playing them for his bigger Pres of the EU. Dizzee Pascal was on RTE spluttering and gurning all over the gaff letting on he's got the cards to play. Leo will walk away and leave this kip in tatters, occasionally peeking over his Rainbow Flag from Strasbourg.

Na if there is a Hard Border the Republicans/Nationalists /Loyalists will each grab their leaf of the Shamrock and fight for it .We will soon be remembering the Civil War and Civil War 11 will be in full flow .If Leo dosent get a backstop or dosent veto any Brexit deal he will go down in history with Collins as an appeaser and probably meet the same ending .You saw in Derry last week kids getting ready for the fight even Adams got a warning .Time to GET A GUN .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2018, 08:48:47 am »
If there's a hard border counties like Donegal will be wiped out. Had 2 days up there during the Irish Open Golf and the locals seem deluded in entertaining false notions of "positivity" because of recent successes like Star Wars. The harsh reality is the folks working in Seagate on the Buncrana Rd in Derry will all be living in Derry and not Donegal. As a regular visitor I'd say there's a collective case of Stepford Wives Syndrome in border counties.

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2018, 08:58:27 am »
Dont understand why the Labour Party didnt adopt a United Workers United Ireland stance .In the next election what do they stand for ?The Shinners have robbed their Socialist Clothes and Profit From The People have stolen their Trotskiest mantle .

The Liffey Lip

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2018, 09:01:33 am »
Whole generation of folks living here who think a deuce a week plus is a cert for life if they continue to sit on their gelatinous holes. Just wait and see what's in store.........the UBI and new social contract will fuck them all up.

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2018, 09:06:47 am »
Talking to a Jurno from the Irish Times in the car last week about the women in the home referendum and the self decleration of gender proposal .She said they were both very progressive .Then I said to her Im going to declare meself a woman when im 66 to get the old age pension a year earlier .She said "What .I said no Im only messing as soon as the constitution says women and men are totally equal your pension age will go up to meet mine .You could hear her Pelvic Floor dropping when she realized she didnt understand what she thought she understood .Fuching hell she muttered in a very un lady like fashion the bastards are playing us .

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2018, 08:47:48 am »
This week Donny T is threatening to wipe out Iran .Sometimes you forget Americans voted for this clown .


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Re: good man donny
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2018, 09:35:40 am »
Now theres a man with balls,unlike his predecessor Obama.the Donald takes no shit from Muslims

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2018, 10:11:49 am »
This week Donny T is threatening to wipe out Iran .Sometimes you forget Americans voted for this clown .

Correct the American state vote for the president.
Trump was democratically voted in on the same system that all other US presidents were.
Them crazy Iranian Stone Age mullahs
 have threatened on numerous occasions to wipe Israel off a map, with the backing of Allah.
US won't let that happen,
Not on Donny's watch, he's just warning the Shiite Jihadi to keep their hands on their  balls and don't try anything,
He's no Wimpey Obama,
The israelis have the most modern equipped army in the world, At the ready 24/7.


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Re: good man donny
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2018, 01:27:01 pm »
I just cannot why Trump is constantly subjected to this fukkibg witchhunt,and on criticism of everything he says,and does.the difference with Donald Trump,and orhers is,he has introduced a new way of doing politics,and established politicans dont like it.politics has always been about the art of appeasement,nothing else.telling people what they want to hear.there are standard answers to every question.example of one is,I didnt want to let my name go forward for election,but people came to me and asked so I felt I had a duty to respond to their needs.example 2 I have no knowledge of it bla,bla, bla, example 3 all rally round Ibraham Hallawa,(particularly Lynn Boylan) because they think thats what people want them to do, and its a great vote getter.I FUKKING POLITICANS .they are all scumbags whos only concern is how many state pensions they will get.fair play to Donald . Promised to ban muslims.did it.promised to shake up NATO did it.told the north koreans to start denuclearising ,they have started said he would put America first,doing that etc etc .we on the other hand have a little bolloxin the park who goes around the world lecturing about how we should take in refugees so they can come and take our jobs while he walks away with multiple state pensions accumalated,by various,political positions held while in politics. THEY WOULD MAKE YOU SICK

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2018, 01:31:11 pm »
Yis don't need to take sides, its not that important.If it wasnt for 24 hour news and social media yis wouldn't even know much aboit oul Trumpy.Think about it.

john m

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Re: good man donny
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2018, 01:51:29 pm »
Ah Donny understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.


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